adjective[before noun]
mainlyUS(alsononmetro)uk/ˌnɒnˈmet.rəʊ/us/ˌnɑːnˈmet.roʊ/notlocatedin or near alargecity, orrelatedtopeoplewho do notlivein or near alargecity:
Agriculture in theformofcorn,soyabeans, andcattleraisingis thechiefindustryfor most of the state's nonmetrocounties.
It has beenestimatedthat 150,000peoplemovefrommetroareasto non-metroareasannually.
- Thebillwasoverwhelminglyopposedby non-metroMPs.
- Withoutaccesstosubwaysand otherformsofpublictransportation, nonmetroresidentshavelongercommutetimes.
- Thegovernorwantedto make it aprioritytobringhigh-speedinternettoresidentslivingin nonmetroareasof thestate.
- By the end of the 20thcentury,almost60percentof allprisonswere in non-metrocounties.
Towns & regions: environments & localities
- arrondissement
- backyard
- belt
- demesne
- exclave
- hardscape
- inyourbackyardidiom
- locale
- locality
- manor
- neck
- neighbourhood
- non-local
- non-metropolitan
- quarter
- shtetl
- surroundings
- this, our, etc.neck of the woodsidiom
- turf
- Windsor