(alsononminority)uk/ˌnɒn.maɪˈnɒr.ə.ti/us/ˌnɑːn.maɪˈnɔːr.ə.t̬i/apersonwho does notbelongto aminority(= anysmallgroupinsocietythat is different from therestbecause oftheirrace,religion, orpoliticalbeliefs):
Over 80percentof therespondentsidentifiedas non-minorities.
Theystrivetoprovideequalopportunitiesforminoritiesand non-minorities.
- The entrepreneur'sschemetargetedminority-ownedbusinessesin anefforttoclosetheincomegapbetweenminoritiesand non-minorities.
- ShiiteMuslimsare a non-minority in thatregion.
Groups of people
- alliance
- an
- anti-gang
- assemblage
- babyboomer
- bunch
- flashmob
- flock
- focus group
- foursome
- fraternity
- mafia
- silent majority
- sisterhood
- special interest group
- splinter group
- squad
- steering committee
- suspect
- trio
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˌnɒn.maɪˈnɒr.ə.ti/us/ˌnɑːn.maɪˈnɔːr.ə.t̬i/notbelongingto aminority(= anysmallgroupinsocietythat is different from therestbecause oftheirrace,religion, orpoliticalbeliefs):
Theprofessorfeltthat non-minoritystudentstendedtodominatetheconversationin theclassroom.
- Areviewof theapplicationdataover fiveyearsshowedthatminorityapplicantswere lesslikelyto be called back for a secondinterviewthan non-minorityapplicants.
- Thecityfailedinitsrequirementtolocatepublichousingin non-minorityareas.
Groups of people
- alliance
- an
- anti-gang
- assemblage
- babyboomer
- bunch
- flashmob
- flock
- focus group
- foursome
- fraternity
- mafia
- silent majority
- sisterhood
- special interest group
- splinter group
- squad
- steering committee
- suspect
- trio