mathematicsspecialized(alsononplanar)uk/ˌnɒnˈpleɪ.nər/us/ˌnɑːnˈpleɪ.nɚ/having asurfacethat is notflatorlevelin alldirections:
Thevehiclewasdrivenover aslightlynon-planarterrain.
Thistechnologycan be used toformnonplanarimages.
- Thesemiconductorhas a non-planarsurface.
- Thewing0f the isslightlynon-planar over some ofitsspan.
- Thematerialcan beformedinto moreflexiblenon-planarsurfaces.
- A nonplanarsystemcandisturbalargermassofairandcreatelessenergyanddrag.
Geometry: describing angles, lines & orientations
- acute
- angle of incidence
- angularity
- antinode
- asymptote
- asymptotic
- circuitous
- equilateral
- glancing
- indirect
- noncollinear
- obliquely
- obtuse
- orthogonal
- osculate
- perpendicularly
- projection
- prominent
- rectilinear
- reflection