uk/bəˈnev.əl.əns/us/bəˈnev.əl.əns/thequalityof beingkindandhelpful:
仁慈;乐善好施Hissunny,calmtonesuggesteda man ofdeepbenevolence.他欢快、平静的语气表明他是一个深具仁爱之心的人。
theactof givingmoneyorhelptopeopleororganizationsthat need it:
善行;捐赠Thecompanyhas arecordof benevolence to goodcauses.该公司曾多次向公益事业捐款。
- Animal-rightsactivistshopethistrendheraldsgreaterbenevolence towardsanimals.
- Delivery of humaneness - ofcompassion,kindness,sensitivity, and benevolence - is apowerfultool.
- Corporate benevolence is also ashrewdinvestment.
- Don't beblindedby thenotionof benevolence. You'rebuyingamutualfund, notvolunteeringat asoupkitchen.
Kind & thoughtful
- accommodating
- attentive
- attentively
- attentiveness
- avuncular
- diplomatically
- eunoia
- fatherly
- good-hearted
- good-natured
- nice
- nicely
- not have a bad/dishonest/racist, etc. bone in your bodyidiom
- obliging
- obligingly
- unmalicious
- unmaliciously
- warm-hearted
- well intentioned
- well meaning
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Generous & charitable
Organizations - charities