(alsore-concentrate)uk/ˌriːˈkɒn.sən.treɪt/us/ˌriːˈkɑːn.sən.treɪt/reconcentrateverb[T](COME TOGETHER)
tobringsomething together again in alargenumberoramountin oneparticulararea:
By reconcentratingwidelydispersedhouseholdsinlargervillages, thegovernmentsoughttodenytherebelsaccesstofoodandsupplies.
They have re-concentratedpowersin thehandsof theadministration.
- Mothsdisperseintransit, and must be reconcentrated before theylaytheireggs.
- They are reconcentratingsubsidizedhousinginsteadoftryingtodistributeitacrossthemetropolitanarea.
- Hereturnedto thecityto re-concentrate his nowdangerouslyscatteredarmy.
Collecting and amassing
- accumulate
- aggregation
- amass
- assemble
- bank
- bunch
- concentrate
- concentration
- cumulate
- fundraise
- fundraising
- garner
- gather
- glean
- harvest
- rakesomethingup
- reassemble
- reconcentration
- remote sensing
- scrapesomething/someonetogether/up
reconcentrateverb[T](MAKE STRONGER)
to make aliquidorsubstancestrongerandreduceitssizeagain, byremovingwaterfrom it:
Allfiltrateswerepooledand re-concentrated asdescribedabove.
Everyanimalgrowsby re-concentratingelementspreviouslydispersedinsurroundingplantsor otheranimals.
- Theresultingsolutionwasdilutedand re-concentrated.
- Alargevolumeofsalinewasaddedto theconcentratedfluidand it was reconcentrated by ultrafiltrationtwice.
- Thefluidsobtainedwere reconcentrated.
Becoming and making stronger
- aggrandize
- boil up
- bolster
- cement
- character-building
- deepen
- fortify
- harden
- hardening
- invigoration
- jell
- reinforcement
- restrengthen
- sharpen
- solidification
- solidify
- soup
- soupsomethingup
- stiffen
- wired