uk/ɪnˈlɪst.mənt/us/ɪnˈlɪst.mənt/enlistmentnoun(JOINING ARMY)
theactionofacceptingsomeone into thearmedforcesor ofjoiningthearmedforces:
征兵;入伍the enlistment of thousands of men into thearmy成千上万的男性应征入伍
He said he’d like toseethearmedforcesoffershort-termenlistments forcollegestudents.他说他希望看到武装部队允许大学生短期入伍。
- Onepossibilitywould be toincreasethemaximumagefor enlistment to 40.
- She islookingaheadto Air Force enlistment nextspring.
- Recruiters said thebiggestchallengeto enlistment waspassingabasicaptitudetestonEnglishandmathsskills.
Joining or leaving the army
- anti-draft
- buy
- buysomeoneout
- call
- callsomeoneup
- commission
- conscription
- demob
- demobilization
- demobilize
- desert
- deserter
- desertion
- draft dodger
- enlist
- enlisted
- join
- join up
- re-enlistment
- re-up
enlistmentnoun(GETTING HELP)
theactionof gettinghelpfrom someone or something:
获得帮助The enlistment ofchefswaspartof hercampaignagainstchildhoodobesity.招募厨师是她防止儿童肥胖活动的一部分。
- Museumofficialsarelookingto the enlistment ofcorporatepartnersto make the Smithsonianbrandmoreprofitable.
- the enlistment of anincreasingnumberofeconomiststo thedesignprocess
- The showtracesTom's manypranks,includinghis enlistment offriendstowhitewashAunt Polly'sfence.
- Onefactorin hiscomebackwas the enlistment ofassistancefrom anotedsportspsychologist.
Making appeals & requests
- appellate
- ask forsomeone
- behest
- call for orderphrase
- call onsomeone
- callsomeonein
- cap
- claim
- demand
- implore
- invite
- pay claim
- petitioner
- propitiation
- push forsomething
- put in forsomething
- put the squeeze onsomeoneidiom
- reapply
- requester
- requisition