finance & economicsspecialized(alsononrated)uk/ˌnɒnˈreɪ.tɪd/us/ˌnɑːnˈreɪ.tɪd/A non-ratedinvestmentdoes not have arating(= ascore)thattellspeople,companies, orcountrieshowsafeit is:
Most of theportfolioisinvestedin low-grade and non-ratedbonds.
Investing in non-rated securitiesmeansthat you are more atriskoflosingyourmoney.
- If youinvestin non-ratedbondsyou should bepreparedto makeyourownanalysisof therisk.
- We alwaysreviewthefinancialstatementsof the issuer before wepurchasenon-ratedbonds.
- Theunderwriterraisedalmosttwenty millionpoundsfrominvestorsthroughofferingsof nonratedmunicipalbonds.
Stock markets
- algo
- anti-city
- anti-dilution
- anti-speculation
- anti-speculative
- bearish
- bond
- bull
- bull market
- flotation
- non-controlling
- non-convertible
- non-cumulative
- non-directional
- non-discretionary
- payback period
- stockbroker
- stockholder
- strip
- the Big Board