(alsonon-resident);(UKnon-resident)us/ˌnɑːnˈrez.ɪ.dənt/uk/ˌnɒnˈrez.ɪ.dənt/apersonwho is notlivingin or at aplace:
Nonresidents of thestatepayhighertuitionfees.
People who live or settle somewhere
- asylum seeker
- boarder
- brain drain
- city slicker
- co-resident
- frontiersman
- Georgian
- guest worker
- habitant
- illegal alien
- lodger
- occupier
- Orcadian
- outflow
- overspill
- repeople
- troglodyte
- villager
- welcome wagon
- year-rounder
us/ˌnɑːnˈrez.ɪ.dənt/uk/ˌnɒnˈrez.ɪ.dənt/notlivingin or at aplace:
During thesummerthetownhas alargenonresidentpopulationofvacationers.
One of the women has a nonresidentboyfriend.
- More than one in three nonresidentparentsfailtopayany of themoneytheyowetosupporttheirchildren.
- We arespecialistsinmanagingresidentialpropertyfor non-residentlandlords.
- Florida has 10,000 nonresidentforeignstudentsenrolledinstatecommunitycollegesanduniversities.
- attraction
- beard the lion (inhis/herden)idiom
- been
- call (in) onsomeone
- call by
- come round
- exchange
- happen along/by(somewhere)
- haunt
- homestay
- house-to-house
- look around(somewhere/something)
- pay
- pop
- stop
- stop by(somewhere)
- stop in
- stop offsomewhere
- stop over
- swing by/past(something)