astrongfeelingsuch asloveoranger, orstrongfeelingsingeneral:
感情,情感;情绪;激情Like a lot of men, hefindsit hard toexpresshis emotions.像很多男人一样,他不大会表达自己的感情。
Mymotherwasovercomewith emotion andburstintotears.我母亲控制不住自己的感情,泪如雨下。
- Heshowedno emotion as hewalkedinto thewitnessbox.
- Overcome by emotion, shefoundherselfunabletospeakfor a fewminutes.
- The Britishtraditionallytendnot todisplaymuch emotion inpublic.
- As anactorhe couldcommunicateawholerangeof emotions.
- Themanagerwarnedhisyoungplayersnot to getcarriedaway by the emotion of theoccasion.
Strong feelings
- afire
- all-consuming
- anguish
- anguished
- ardent
- fierce
- fierceness
- fit to burstidiom
- fulminating
- grip
- pungently
- rabid
- rabidly
- reinforced
- rhapsodic
- riptide
- searing
- tingle
- torrid
- virulent