emotional support animal
uk/ɪˌməʊ.ʃən.əl səˈpɔːt ˌæn.ɪ.məl/us/ɪˌmoʊ.ʃən.əl səˈpɔːrt ˌæn.ɪ.məl/(abbreviationESA)ananimalthathelpssomeone who has amentalhealthconditionoremotionalproblem, forexamplebyhelpingthem tofeelcalmerand lessworried:
(帮助安抚有心理健康或情绪问题的人的)情感支持动物Somecourtshaveruledthatpeoplewithemotionalsupportanimalscan't bedeniedapartmentsthatprohibitpets.一些法院已经裁定,禁养宠物的公寓不能禁止养有情感支持动物的人士入住。
- Unlikeserviceanimals,emotionalsupportanimalsmay not betrainedtoperformanyspecifictask.
- A woman issuingtheairlineafterclaimingcabincrewlockedheremotionalsupportanimalin thebathroomduring aflight.
- Emotionalsupportanimalsaretypicallydogsandcats, but may bemembersof otheranimalspecies.
- Theairlinesaid apassengerwantedto take asquirrelonboardwith her because it was heremotionalsupportanimal.
General & informal words for animals
- anti-predator
- arthropod
- beast
- beastie
- bossy
- brute
- feathered
- feathered friendidiom
- four-legged friend
- fur baby
- furry
- furry friend
- invertebrate
- myriapod
- pest
- pet
- predator
- prey
- service animal
- stray
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Mental illnesses