uk/ˈem.pæθ/us/ˈem.pæθ/(especiallyinsciencefictionstories) apersonwho has anunusuallystrongabilitytofeelother people'semotionalormentalstates:
(尤指科幻故事中的)读心者IthinkBarry isactuallyan empath, one of thosepeoplewho isabletoabsorbandreflectthefeelingsofothers.我觉得巴里简直就是一个读心者,是那种能够感受和反馈他人感受的人。
- He was like thatStarTrekcharacter, the empath, who canpsychicallyreadtheemotionsof those before him.
- Rebecca'srelativesdescribeher as an "empath," someone whoearnestlyfeelswhatothersexperience.
- To go sodeeplyunder theskinof hersubjects, and tochronicletheirlivessofully, thewritermust be an "empath" from themovieMinority Report.
- You don't need to be an empath toseeshelovesherwork.
Empathy and sensitivity
- attuned
- commune
- communicate
- communion
- compathy
- emotional intelligence
- identify
- identify withsomeone
- put
- putyourselfinsomeone'splace/position/shoesidiom
- rapport
- relate tosomeone/something
- self-discovery
- sensitive
- sensitiveness
- sympathetically
- sympathize
- theory of mind
- understand
- understanding