uk/ˈnuː.ɡɑː/us/ˈnuː.ɡət/athick,sweetfoodmade fromsugarcookedwith thewhitepartsofeggs, usuallycontainingnutsand sometimesfruit. It can be hard enough tocutinpieces, orsoftand used tofillchocolates,cakes, etc. :
Turron is atraditionalSpanishconfectionmade of nougat.
Heleftthechildrengiftsof nougat andlollipops.

olgakr/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Itappearsto be somesortof nougat withalmondsontop.
- In Mexico, "cajeta" is asweetnougat orcaramelmade from goat'smilk.
- Made frompeanuts, nougat, andchunksofglacécherry, andcoveredin athickmilkchocolate, it was thebestcandybarthat he'devercomeacross.
- almond paste
- baking chocolate
- barley sugar
- bitter chocolate
- bittersweet chocolate
- comfit
- confectioner
- confectionery
- cooking chocolate
- cotton candy
- jelly bean
- Jordan almond
- jujube
- Kendal mint cake
- licorice
- selection box
- semisweet chocolate
- sherbet
- spun sugar
- stick of rock