as much as isnecessary; in theamountor to thedegreeneeded:
充分;充足Is there enoughdessert/Are there enoughdessertsforeveryone?甜点够大家吃吗?
There are 25textbooksperclass. That should be enough.每个班25本教材,应该够了。
Have you had enough (toeat)?你(吃)饱了吗?
Iknowenough aboutarttorecognizeamasterpiecewhen Iseeone.我的艺术造诣足以使我看到一幅杰作就能辩认出来。
He'stallenough tochangethebulbwithout getting on achair.他个头够高,不用踩椅子就可以换灯泡。
as much as or more than iswanted:
足够;过多[+ to infinitive]I've got enoughworktodo at themoment, without being given any more.即使不再给我加活,目前的工作也够我应付一阵的了。
Half anhourin hiscompanyisquiteenough!在他公司呆上半小时就能让人烦透了!
Stop. You've made enoughof a(= a lot of)messalready.别闹了,你已经弄得一团糟了。
You'vedrunkmore thanenough(= too much)already.你已经喝多了。
I'veseen/heardenough now(= I do notwanttosee/hearany more).我已经看/听够了。
I'vehadenoughofyourexcuses(= Iwantthem tostop).我已经听够了你的借口。
Enoughof this! I don'twanttodiscussit any more.够了!我不想再讨论这个了。
Enoughalready!(= No more!)够了!(不要了!)
enough is enough
something you say when youwantsomething tostop:
够了,行了,适可而止Enough is enough - I don'twanttoarguewith you any more.行了行了,我不想再跟你争了。
enough saidinformal
something you say totellsomeone that youunderstandwhat they have said and that there is no need to say any more:
不必再讲,无需多说"Someone has toexplainthesituationto her." "Enough said."“得有人向她说明一下情况。”“已经说得够多了。”
have had enough
towantsomething tostopbecause it isannoyingyou:
受够了;烦透了;再也无法忍受了I've had enough - I'm goinghome.我受够了——我要回家了。
that's enough
used totellsomeone tostopbehavingbadly:
不要那样,够了(用于制止不好的行为)That's enough, Peter. Give thosetoysback,please.够了,彼得。把那些玩具还回去,听话。
"Hush," saidgrandma. "That's enough now."
Lola, Rachel, that's enough! I'mfedup withyourarguing.
That's enough! We'll neverresolvethis if you can't becivil.
That's enough! I won'ttolerateany more of thisbehaviour!
- Myconcernis that you're not getting enoughworkdone.
- There isn't enoughcontactbetweenteachersandparents.
- He didn'tallowus enoughtimetofinishthetest.
- Are there enoughpencilsfor everyone?
- I hadn't had enoughsleepand wasfeelingabitgrumpy.
- adequacy
- adequate
- adequately
- fill
- go
- go round
- good
- hold
- hold out
- respectable
- respectably
- say
- say whenidiom
- suffice
- suffice (it) to sayidiom
- sufficient
- sufficiently
- that
- that will doidiom
- the
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: expressions telling people to stop doing something
Enough is a determiner, a pronoun or an adverb. We use enough to mean ‘as much as we need or want’.…enough
used after anadjective,adverb, orverbtomeanto thenecessarydegree:
(用于形容词、副词或动词后)足够地Is thewaterhotenoughyet?水够热吗?
I don'tthinkhe's reallyexperiencedenough for thissortofjob.我认为做这类工作他经验不是太足。
She told me it wasbrandnew and I wasstupidenoughtobelieveher.她跟我说这是崭新的,我也真够傻,竟然信了她。
formalWould you begoodenoughtotake mysuitcaseupstairsfor me?你可以帮我把包拎到楼上吗?
used after anadjectiveoradverbtomeanquite:
很,十分(用于形容词、副词后)He'sbadenough, but hisbrotherisfarworse.他够坏的了,可他哥哥比他还要坏得多。
She's gone away for sixmonths, butstrangely/oddly/funnilyenough(=surprisingly), herboyfrienddoesn'tseemtoounhappyabout it.她离开都6个月了,可奇怪的是,她男朋友好像并没有因此不开心。
- You don'tchewyourfoodenough - that's why you getindigestion.
- We're not doing enough toprotecttheenvironmentfrompollution.
- You won't bewarmenough in thatflimsydress.
- Barryseemshappyenoughworkingfor himself.
- Will theropebestrongenough toholdmyweight?
- adequacy
- adequate
- adequately
- fill
- go
- go round
- good
- hold
- hold out
- respectable
- respectably
- say
- say whenidiom
- suffice
- suffice (it) to sayidiom
- sufficient
- sufficiently
- that
- that will doidiom
- the
Enough is a determiner, a pronoun or an adverb. We use enough to mean ‘as much as we need or want’.…