toimprovethequalityof something byaddingsomethingelse:
使丰富,使富含;充实Fertilizerhelpsto enrich thesoil.化肥可以提高土壤肥力。
Mylifewasgreatlyenriched byknowingher.认识了她,我的生活变得非常充实。
- Thesetripsgivestudentstheopportunityto enrichtheirindependentstudiesingeographyandhistory.
- Thepresentationscould be enriched with moredigitalmedia.
- Herworkenrichesourviewof the 1960s.
Making things better
- add salt tosomethingidiom
- allay
- alleviate
- alleviation
- ameliorate
- cultivate
- liven(something)up
- lubricate
- make a differenceidiom
- make a world of differenceidiom
- makesomeone/somethingover
- relieve
- revitalize
- revivify
- revolutionize
- salvage
- salve
- save the dayidiom
- sharpen
- tonic
enrichverb(GIVE MORE MONEY)
to make something or someonericher:
使富有,使富裕Heclaimedthat thelargestoreswere enriching themselvesat theexpenseoftheircustomers.他声称大商店通过盘剥顾客而获利。
- The government'seconomicpoliciesaredesignedto enrichinsiders.
- Thereformswill notbenefitordinarypeoplebutsimplyenrichlawfirms.
- Unfortunately, otherattorneysactlikepredators,exploitingpatientsandphysiciansto enrich themselves.
Making things better
- add salt tosomethingidiom
- allay
- alleviate
- alleviation
- ameliorate
- cultivate
- liven(something)up
- lubricate
- make a differenceidiom
- make a world of differenceidiom
- makesomeone/somethingover
- relieve
- revitalize
- revivify
- revolutionize
- salvage
- salve
- save the dayidiom
- sharpen
- tonic
toincreasethelevelof aparticularisotope(= oneformof anatom)in anelementinorderto make it morepowerfulor make itexplodemorepowerfully:
Thecountrydisclosedin 1984 that it could enrichuraniumfornuclearweapons.
- He was ametallurgistemployedby aEuropeanconsortiumthat enricheduraniumfornuclearpower.
- Facilitieshousingplutoniumand enricheduraniumwere oftenpoorlyguarded.
- Nobodyknowswhen theregimewill have enriched enoughuraniumfor abomb.
- He cameforwardwithallegationsthat thegovernmentwas enrichinguraniumat asecretsite.
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- electrolysis
- evaporate
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- exothermic
- oxidize
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- reliquify
- solidify
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physics: atoms, molecules & sub-atomic particles
Bombs & missiles