theactorprocessofimprovingthequalityorpowerof something byaddingsomethingelse:
添加;丰富Thesoilneedsconstantenrichment withorganicmatter.土壤需要不断添加有机物质。
Thechildrenwho do well on suchtestsare those whoseparentsreadto them and take them on enrichmentexcursions.这类测试做得好的孩子是那些父母会读书给他们听,还带他们去拓展旅行的孩子。
- Educationprovidesenrichment to thelivesofindividualsin anumberofways.
- Shelivesin abigcitywithendlessopportunitiesforculturalenrichment.
- TheresearchteamdesignedandimplementedamathsenrichmentprogrammeforYear10students.
Making things better
- add salt tosomethingidiom
- allay
- alleviate
- alleviation
- ameliorate
- cultivate
- liven(something)up
- lubricate
- make a differenceidiom
- make a world of differenceidiom
- makesomeone/somethingover
- relieve
- revitalize
- revivify
- revolutionize
- salvage
- salve
- save the dayidiom
- sharpen
- tonic
enrichmentnoun[U](MAKING WEALTHY)
theactof making someonericher, or ofbecomingricher:
There was never anysuggestionthat they wereseekingpersonalenrichment.
Theirgoalis not the good of thepeople, buttheirown enrichment.
- They have beenportrayedasbadguys,determinedtobulldozetheareafortheirown enrichment.
- He has beeninvestigatedtwiceonsuspicionofcorruptionandillegalenrichment.
- Sheneedstoavoidunjustenrichment at the other person’sexpense.
Earning money
- (your)(daily) breadidiom
- assessable
- bank
- base pay
- basic
- basic income
- benefits package
- feel the pinchidiom
- hand over fistidiom
- lineyourpocket(s)idiom
- livelihood
- pay packet
- paycheck
- pullsomethingdown
- rakesomethingin
- remonetize
- remuneration
- residual
- shift
- sick pay
enrichmentnoun[U](OF ELEMENT)
theprocessofincreasingthelevelof aparticularisotope(= oneformof anatom)in anelementinorderto make it morepowerfulor make itexplodemorepowerfully:
(放射性物质)浓缩过程He said thatsanctionswould notforcehiscountrytosuspenduraniumenrichment.他说,制裁不会迫使他的国家中止铀浓缩活动。
- They haveagreedtostopcertainactivitiesinvolvinguraniumenrichment andplutoniumseparation.
- There's anintentiontoproceedwithnuclearenrichment, which they say is forpeacefulpurposes.
- Thecountrycouldquicklydevelopatomicweaponsthrough theproductionofplutoniumand enrichment ofuranium.
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- electrolysis
- evaporate
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- exothermic
- oxidize
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- reliquify
- solidify
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Physics: atoms, molecules & sub-atomic particles
Bombs & missiles