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enterverb(PLACE)A2[IorT]to come or go into aparticularplace: 进来;进去;进入 Thepoliceentered (thebuilding)through/bythesidedoor.警察从侧门进入(这座大楼)。 You willbegintofeelsleepyas thedrugenters thebloodstream.药物进入血液后你就会开始感到困倦。 - Hereyesbrightenedwhen shesawhim enter theroom.
- Before you can enter thecountry, you have toclearcustoms.
- Pleaseknockbefore entering.
- Bathers must befullyclothedbefore entering therestaurant.
- Intruders had entered thehousethrough a backwindow.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesArriving, entering and invading - annex
- annexation
- be on the sceneidiom
- been
- break
- breaksomeonein
- hit
- interloper
- intrude
- intrusion
- invade
- jump
- jump the queueidiom
- land
- roll up!idiom
- set foot insomewhereidiom
- show up
- trespass
- turn
- turn out
See more results » enterverb(COMPETITION)B1[IorT]to beincludedin acompetition,race, orexam, or toarrangefor someoneelseto do this: (为…)报名参加(竞赛、考试等);安排…参加 Both men have been enteredfor/inthe 100metresinParisnextmonth.两个人都已报名参加下个月在巴黎举行的100米短跑比赛。 All threecompanieshave entered theracetodevelopa newsystem.三家公司都加入了开发这套新系统的竞争。 Are you going to enter thephotographycompetition?你要参加摄影比赛吗? - She's entered acrosswordcompetition.
- Anothercandidatehas now entered thepresidentialrace.
- Onlypeopleover theageof 16 can enter thecompetition.
- Atotalof 21horseswere entered for therace.
- Fordetailson how to enter thecompetition,seepage134.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesIncluding and containing - absorptive capacity
- all in
- assimilable
- assimilate
- buildsomethingin/intosomething
- carry
- cast
- encompass
- enshrine
- extend
- factor
- factorsomethingin
- forget
- packsomethingin
- package
- pepper
- peppersomethingwithsomething
- plug(something/someone)intosomething
- reincorporate
- rich
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Taking part and getting involved enterverb(INFORMATION)B1[T]to putinformationinto acomputer,book, ordocument: 输入;登记;登录 You have to enter apasswordtoaccessthedatabase.你必须输入密码才能进入数据库。 [T]formalto make aparticulartypeofstatementofficially: (正式)提出 Theprisonerentered apleaof notguilty.犯人提出无罪抗辩。 - Before weleaveworkeachday, we make abackupof all therecordswe have entered into thecomputerthatday.
- Thedataisvalidatedautomaticallyby thecomputerafter it has been entered.
- Have you enteredyourpassword?
- Taperecordingsofconversationsaretranscribedbytypistsand entered into thedatabase.
- Please enteryourusernameandpassword.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOperating computers - admin
- aliasing
- always-on
- backsomeoneup
- black hat
- computerate
- computerize
- drill down
- escape
- interface
- keyboarder
- maximize
- miswrite
- mouse oversomething
- munging
- navigational
- scroll
- telecottage
- ticket
- uninstall
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Writing & typing Taking legal action enterverb(ORGANIZATION)[T]tobecomeamemberof aparticularorganization, or tostartworkingin aparticulartypeofjob: 成为…的一员,加入;开始从事 Ms Doughty enteredpolitics/Parliamentafter acareerinbanking.道蒂女士在银行业工作了几年后开始从政/成为议员。 - She was amedicalpractitionerbefore she enteredpolitics.
- He was in histhirtieswhen hedecidedto enter thechurch.
- What made youdecideto enter thefashionworld?
- It'sperhapsnot thebesttimeto enter theteachingprofession.
- At theageof 30 hedecidedto enter theworldofpublishing.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOrganizations - joining & leaving - addition
- anti-assimilation
- assimilation
- assimilationist
- assimilative
- assimilatory
- blackball
- disenrollment
- enrol
- enrolment
- entrant
- entry
- entryway
- exit
- initiation ceremony
- joiner
- non-joiner
- on the booksidiom
- onto
- sit
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: enterverb(PERIOD)C1[T]tobeginaperiodoftime: 进入…时期 Theprojectis enteringitsfinalstages.工程就要进入最后的阶段。 Theviolenceis now enteringitsthirdweek.暴力活动现已进入第三周。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStarting and beginning - be in the first flush ofidiom
- be/get in on the ground flooridiom
- become
- begin
- branch out
- develop
- export
- get down to businessidiom
- grow
- half-cock
- here
- here goes!idiom
- hit the ground runningidiom
- stirring
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)
- stuck
- stumble intosomething
- swing into actionidiom
- the ground floor
See more results » Phrasal verbsenter intosomething enter on/uponsomething thekeyon acomputerkeyboardthat is used to say that the words ornumberson thescreenarecorrect, or to say that aninstructionshould beperformed, or tomovedown alineon thescreen: 回车键Move thecursorto where it says "New File" andpressenter.把光标移到“新建文件”处然后按回车键。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesComputer hardware - 3-D printer
- beamer
- blackberry
- brick
- bubblejet
- card reader
- data projector
- gamepad
- graphics card
- hard drive
- optical reader
- optically
- palmtop
- parallel port
- patch
- patch intosomething
- pen drive
- plug and play
- printer
- whiteboard
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: (Definition ofenterfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)enter| American Dictionaryenterverb(GO IN)[I/T]to come or go into aplace: [T]Theorchestraentered thehall. [T]He entered ashelterfor thehomeless. [I]Half of the museum’svisitorsarechildrenwho enter forfree. [I/T]To enter is also to beadmittedto orbecomeamemberof anorganization: [I]He entered thearmyat theageof 18. enterverb(BEGIN)[I/T]tobeginorbecomeinvolvedin something: [T]Thepresidentmaintainedwe were about to enter aperiodofunprecedentedeconomicgrowth. [I]She entered into anexclusivecontractwith aninternationalsportsshoecompany. enterverb(RECORD)[T]to make arecordof something;list: Did you enteryournamesin theguestbook? Use thiscomputerto enter thedata. He was entered(=listedofficiallyas takingpart)in theshotput anddiscusevents. [T]lawTo enter is to make something, such as astatementor apieceofevidence, apartof theofficialrecord: He entered apleaof notguilty. (Definition ofenterfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)tobegintakingpartin aparticularmarketorareaofbusiness: enter a market/businessThisrulingshould make iteasierforfirst-timebuyerstoenter thehousingmarket(= tobuyapropertyfor the firsttime). ITto putinformationinto acomputer: At theprompt,pleaseenter avalidemailaddress. enter data/information (into sth)Allinformationis entered into adatabaseandanalyzedforpatterns. ACCOUNTINGto writeinformationinto anaccountbook, alist, etc.: Allcustomerpaymentsmust be entered into theaccountsbookat thetimeofpurchase. Before themeeting, thenumberofhoursrequestedfrom eachdepartmentis entered onto thespreadsheetoppositeeachproject. ifpeopleorgoodsenter acountryorregion, theyarrivethere: Legitimatevisaholdersshould beallowedto enter andleavethecountry, and toapplyfor arenewaloftheirvisawhile still inAmerica. Allcargovesselsentering theportarestoppedandinspected. enter an era/a phase/a cycleThecompanyentered a neweratoday withitsfirst pre-taxprofit. Now is not thetimetobuy, just as we areentering arecession. The country'seconomyis enteringitseighthyearofuninterruptedgrowth. tostartworkingin aparticulartypeofjob, or tobecomeamemberof aparticularorganization: Now is apeaktimeforyoungpeopletoenter theprofession. toofficiallymake anagreementorbeginadiscussionwith anotherpersonororganization: enter a contract/agreement/partnershipThe twocompaniesplanto enter ajointdistributionagreementtodistributetheproductsintheirrespectivemarkets. enterdiscussions/talkswith sb enter the fray tobeginto takepartin acompetitivesituation: Therumouredinterestof a USventurecapitalisttriggeredspeculationthat arivalcould enter thefray. enter a plea of guilty/not guilty LAWtoofficiallystatethat you areguilty/notguiltyof acrimein acourtoflaw enter service tobeginto be used for the firsttime: The A380 - the world'sbiggestpassengerjet- enteredservicein 2006. one of the set ofmovingpartsthat youpresswithyourfingerson acomputerwhen you havetypedaninstructionorwanttostarta newline: Type in thedataand thenpressenter. (Definition ofenterfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofenterenter However, the error is quick to decrease andenterthe range of error of the other algorithms.From theCambridge English Corpus The use of parody enables the external world to 'enter' and disrupt the otherwise 'purely musical' discourse.From theCambridge English Corpus So he returned them their arms and entered the palace with the earl.From theCambridge English Corpus But here, we have quitted the positive history, toenterinto the realm of representations, which requires a different approach.From theCambridge English Corpus The verb-and-particle ttwui-e "run" is revised and replaced with the verb-and-particle tul-e "enter".From theCambridge English Corpus Every second section was removed, so that a person couldenterinto its centre in order to play them.From theCambridge English Corpus Though participants' responses on the set of practice items would notenterinto our analysis, the responses are telling.From theCambridge English Corpus The participants were explicitly told toentertheir responses as quickly as possible.From theCambridge English Corpus Should other dependent reasonsenterthe picture, then it is not at all clear that the (normal) goal of arbitration would be thwarted.From theCambridge English Corpus Many studentsenterschools with a linguistic repertoire that straddles their languages.From theCambridge English Corpus By the time theyentersecondary education (13 years old), students have a vocabulary of 16,000 words.From theCambridge English Corpus We reasoned that no scorable response may be taken as a measure of difficulty, and thus entered a score of zero in these cases.From theCambridge English Corpus This can, moreover, include any significant text that enters the public domain.From theCambridge English Corpus As a last step, the interaction between the two co-morbidity types was entered.From theCambridge English Corpus This chapter also looks at borrowing and other ways that new signs typicallyenterthe sign lexicon.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/enter## |