可爱的;迷人的;有魅力的We haddinnerwithourdirectorand his charmingwife.我们和主管还有他那可爱的妻子共进了晚餐。
What a charmingstreetthis is.这条街真是迷人。
drawing your attention
- attractiveHe's an attractive, intelligent man.
- appealingShe has an appealing sense of humour.
- engagingHe is a very engaging conversationalist.
- adorableShe has an adorable little sister.
- lovelyHe's such a lovely lad.
- sweetYour kids are so sweet.
used todescribepeoplewho usetheirattractivenesstoinfluencepeopleor to make otherpeoplelike them:
会哄人的;善于施展魅力的He's very charming but I wouldn'ttrusthim.他很会哄人,可是我不会信任他。
used to show that you do notapproveof what someone has said or done:
(表示不赞成)讨厌的"Shut up, will you, I'mtryingtowatchTV!" "Oh, charming!"“闭嘴,好吗?我在看电视呢!”“哦,真讨厌!”
- Theylivein a charmingoldcottage.
- Ithinkhernaivetyis charming - she's sounspoiltandfresh.
- He'ssuave,polishedand charming.
- He's very charming but I wouldn'ttrusthim asfaras I couldthrowhim.
- Jimwasremarkablycharming thisevening- heevensaid,unprompted, howniceMargotlookedin herdress.
- adorable
- adorbs
- aesthetic
- aesthetically
- alluring
- distinguished
- dreamy
- easy
- elegant
- elegantly
- magnificent
- majestic
- melting
- mesmerizing
- nice-looking
- tastefully
- telegenic
- tempting
- to die foridiom
- turn out
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Causing pleasure
Urging & persuading
Linguistics: interjections