nurse shark
uk/ˈnɜːs ˌʃɑːk/us/ˈnɝːs ˌʃɑːrk/atypeofsharkthatsucksfoodoff theseaflooratnightand does notmovearound much fromplacetoplace:
护士鲨,铰口鲨Nursesharksare adocilespecieswhospendmuch oftheirtimelyingon thebottom.护士鲨是一种温顺的动物,大部分时间都躺在海底。
Mostnursesharkattackshappenwhen adiverpullsthe shark'stail.大多数护士鲨只有在潜水员拉动其鲨鱼尾巴的时候才会发起攻击。
- Commonin the Atlantic,nursesharkslikeshallowwaterinSouthFlorida and the Keys.
- Whensnorkellingon thereefyou mightspotashark,probablyanurseshark.
- Nursesharks, usuallygentlearoundinquisitivediversand snorkellers, have alimitto thepesteringthey willtolerate.
Sea fish
- albacore
- American shad
- anchovy
- barracuda
- beluga
- dory
- eel
- elver
- flatfish
- flathead
- manta ray
- marlin
- pilchard
- plaice
- pollack
- stickleback
- stingray
- stonefish
- sturgeon
- swordfish