(alsononsentence)uk/ˌnɒnˈsen.təns/us/ˌnɑːnˈsen.təns/agroupof words that does notformacompletesentence:
The firstchapterof thenovelbeginswith apretentiousnon-sentence.
Nearly all thecommentsare written in non-sentenceformat.
- A non-sentence can sometimes bedramaticallyeffective,especiallyif it comes at akeymoment.
- Thetornscrapofpapercontainedonly the non-sentence "Suddenlyappearsbrightgreen."
- Thewholepassagehas ahighlyinformaltoneand isfullof non-sentences andexclamations.
Linguistics: sentences & expressions
- aphorism
- backchannel
- coin
- complex sentence
- compound sentence
- declarative sentence
- defining
- dicta
- dictum
- epigram
- epigrammatic
- idiom
- jawbreaker
- motto
- phrase
- proverbial
- sentence
- slogan
- soundbite
- tail