(alsononspatial,nonspacial,non-spacial)uk/ˌnɒnˈspeɪ.ʃəl/us/ˌnɑːnˈspeɪ.ʃəl/notrelatingto theposition,area, andsizeof things:
The nonspatialattributesof anobjectincludecolour,temperature, andweight.
Thesoftwareuses bothspatialand non-spatialreferencedata.
- Thepsychologistsaid that theproblemwascausedby the nonspatialcharacterofhumanconsciousness.
- Platosuggestedthatourmindsexistin a non-spatialrealm.
- Unlikevisualandauditoryperceptions,odoursare non-spatial.
- TheclassicalconceptionofGodis as a non-temporal and non-spatialentity.
Space - general words
- bay
- box
- chamber
- clearance
- elbow room
- expanse
- footprint
- headroom
- room
- space
- spacial
- spacing
- spacious
- spaciously
- spatially
- standing room
- subzone
- void
- way
- zone