a set ofstairsmovedup or down byelectricpoweron whichpeoplecanstandand be taken from onelevelof abuildingto another,especiallyinshops,railwaystations, andairports:
自动扶梯I'llmeetyou by theup/downescalator on the secondfloor.我会在三楼向上/下去的自动扶梯边跟你碰头。

huad262/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Sorry but the escalator is out of use; you'll have to take thestairs.
- I cannot take thispramup the escalator, so Ihopethere is aliftI can use.
Parts of buildings: stairs & lifts
- chairlift
- chute
- drag lift
- dumb waiter
- elevator
- fire escape
- flight
- ghat
- ladder
- lift
- riser
- rung
- stair
- staircase
- stairlift
- stairway
- stepladder
- stoep
- stoop