uk/ʃeɪm/us/ʃeɪm/shamenoun(BAD LUCK)
If something isdescribedas a shame, it isdisappointingor notsatisfactory:
可惜,遗憾[+ that]It'sa (great/real)shamethattheeventhad to becancelled.音乐会被迫取消,真是(很)遗憾。
[+ to infinitive]Have some morevegetables-itwould beashametowastethem.再吃点蔬菜吧——浪费就太可惜了。
"Douglas had tomisstheschoolconcertbecause he wasill." "Oh,what ashame/that'sashame!"“道格拉斯因病不能参加学校音乐会了。”“哦,那真是太遗憾了!”
- What a shame that you couldn't go to theparty.
- "I'mafraidI can't cometonight." " Oh, that's a shame."
- It's such a shame theyshutthatfactorydown.
- "Go on,finishoff thistart, Paul." "Well, itseemsa shame toletit go towaste."
- Itseemsa shame tomisssuch aniceoccasion.
Good luck and bad luck
- align
- bad/hard/tough luck!idiom
- be bad luck onsomeoneidiom
- be down onyourluckidiom
- be in/out of luckidiom
- blessing
- fortune smiles onsomeoneidiom
- get the short end of the stickidiom
- godsend
- grace
- hapless
- merciful
- mercifully
- mercy
- miracle
- misadventure
- streak
- voodoo
- with any luckidiom
- your luck's in!idiom
shamenoun(BAD FEELING)
anuncomfortablefeelingofguiltor of beingashamedbecause ofyourown or someone else'sbadbehaviour:
羞耻,羞愧He said hefeltno shame for what he had done.他说他并不为自己的所作所为感到羞愧。
The shameofthescandalwas sogreatthat heshothimself a fewweekslater.这件丑闻让他无地自容,所以几个星期后他开枪自杀了。
You can't go outdressedlike that -haveyounoshame(= don't youfeelashamedabout beingdressedlike that)?你不能穿成这样就出去——你就不怕丢人吗?
丢脸;耻辱Hethinksthere'sgreatshame in being out ofworkandunabletoprovidefor hisfamily.他认为没有工作、无法养活家人是一件很丢脸的事情。
In somesocieties, if a womanleavesherhusband, itbringsshameonher and herfamily.在有些社会里,如果妇女离开自己的丈夫,这会给她和她的家人带来耻辱。
putsomeoneto shame
to make someonefeelashamed:
使(某人)感到羞愧It puts me to shame that I still haven'trepliedto David'sletter.我还没有给戴维回信,真让我惭愧。
令(我)羞愧的是To my shame, I neverwroteandthankedMary for herpresent.令人羞愧的是,我从没有给玛丽写信,感谢她送的礼物。
shame onyou
used totellsomeone that they shouldfeelsorryfor something they did:
(你)应该感到羞愧Shame on youforbeing somean.你如此刻薄,应该感到羞愧。
humorousYou were intownand you didn't come andseeus - shame on you!你来过城里却没有来看我们——真不像话!
- Heknewhe'd done somethingwrongandhunghisheadin shame.
- He wentscarletwith shame andembarrassment.
- Herfaceburnedwith shame.
- The shame oflosingagameoftennisto mymother!
- I couldn'ttreatanyone sobadly- I couldn'tbearthe shame.
Sadness and regret
- aw
- be/weigh onyourconscienceidiom
- bitter
- black dog
- breastbeating
- cry
- distress
- feel badidiom
- gloominess
- glumness
- groan
- guilt
- melancholia
- regretful
- regretfully
- remorse
- remorseful
- remorsefully
- repentant
- wretchedness
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Humiliating and degrading
shamenoun(COMPARE WELL)
putsomeone/somethingto shame
to make someone or somethingseemnot good bycomparison:
使相形见绌Yourcookingputs mine to shame.你做菜的功夫令我自愧不如。
Comparing and contrasting
- analogy
- antithesis
- apple
- as againstidiom
- balance
- balancesomethingagainstsomething
- comparative
- competitive
- competitively
- contradistinction
- contrast
- contrastive
- gold standard
- measure
- nonrelative
- perspective
- relative
- relatively
- relativist
- stack up
die of shame
uk/ʃeɪm/us/ʃeɪm/shameverb[T](BAD FEELING)
to make someonefeelashamed, or to make someone or somethinglosehonourandrespect:
使感到羞愧;使丢脸;羞辱It shames me that Itreatedher sobadly.我对她这么不好,真是令我羞愧。
Thebehaviourof a fewchildrenhas shamed thewholeschool.少数学生的行为使整个学校都蒙受耻辱。
topubliclycriticizeanddrawattentionto something someone has done,especiallyon theinternet:
(尤指在网上)公开批评,表示谴责Agirlhas shamed herlibraryfor saying she couldn't takepartin a "boysonly"roboticscourse.因为女孩去的图书馆说机器人设计课程“只允许男孩参加”,她在网上发表了对他们的批评。
shamesomeoneinto/out ofsomething
tocausesomeone to do or not to do something by making themfeelashamed:
使(某人)感到羞愧而做/不做…[+ -ing verb]Thecitycouncilwas shamed into takingactionaftercriticismin thenationalandlocalmedia.在遭到全国和地方媒体批评之后,市政局在羞愧之下采取了行动。
Humiliating and degrading
- abase
- abasement
- be under a cloudidiom
- bring/takesomeonedown a peg (or two)idiom
- bruisesomeone'segoidiom
- debase
- disgraced
- dishonour
- dishonourable
- doghouse
- exhibition
- ignominious
- ignominiously
- ignominy
- in the doghouseidiom
- indignity
- shoddy
- stoop
- stoop tosomething
- undignified
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Chastising & rebuking
shameverb[T](COMPARE WELL)
to be so muchbetterthan somethingelsethat the other thingseemsof alowstandardbycomparison:
使相形见绌The school'sexamresultsshame those of the otherschoolsin thearea.该校的考试成绩使这个地区的其他学校都相形见绌。
Surpassing in quality or number
- beat
- catch
- catch(someone)up
- compare
- crown
- crush
- dosomethingfor an encoreidiom
- eclipse
- encore
- outcompete
- outdo
- outflank
- outgo
- outman
- push the envelopeidiom
- put/leavesomeonein the shadeidiom
- shade
- steal a march onsomeoneidiom
- stealsomeone'sthunderidiom
- surpass
mainlyUKuk/ʃeɪm/us/ʃeɪm/used toexpressdisapprovalof something that apublicspeakeris saying:
(用于表示不赞同演讲者所说的话)可耻Tocriesof "Shame!", theministerannouncedthattaxeswere beingincreased.在一片“可耻”的指责声中,部长宣布加税。
Linguistics: interjections
- aiyo
- alas and alackphrase
- attaboy
- attagirl
- auf Wiedersehen
- aw shucks
- figure
- goodo
- mazel tov
- more
- more power toyourelbow!idiom
- need
- need I say more?idiom
- no siridiom
- period
- small wonderidiom
- sweet
- the rest is historyidiom
- you seeidiom
- yum yum