noun[Cusually singular]
uk/əˈsen.ʃən/us/əˈsen.ʃən/ascensionnoun[C usually singular](RISE)
theprocessofrisingto apositionofhigherimportance,rank, orsuccess:
升职;提升After histimein the USArmy, Ashecontinuedhis ascension in theworldoftennis.从美国陆军退役以后,阿什继续提升他在国际网坛的排名。
His daughter's ascensiontothe speakership, a first for a woman, is amatterofgreatpridefor him.他的女儿被提升成议长,女性中第一位,对他来说是非常值得骄傲的事。
上升;攀登;登上Fibrosis of the fallopiantubecanpreventthe ascension ofspermthrough thecanal.输卵管纤维化可能阻止精子通过输卵管上升。
He nevermanagedtocrossthe Atlanticviaballoon, but he made hundreds of ascensions.他从未成功乘坐气球穿越大西洋,但他进行了数百次升空尝试。
- With the ascension of Mary Tudor to theEnglishthronein 1553, the 1552BookofCommonPrayer wasabolished.
- The Executive Committee put thebrakeson Jones' ascension to thetopjob.
- Krause said Cartwrightpossessesall thequalitieshedesiresin acoach, which is why his ascension came sorapidly.
- The ascension oftechnology,specificallyanemometers,ledto amajorchangein themethodsofscientificresearch, with lessfocusonpersonalobservation.
- There have been aseriesof ascensions from theofficeofsecretaryofstatein Arizona to the Governor'sOffice.
- Reading about Petrarch's ascension ofMountVentouxleavesmebreathless.
- The stairwell-like ascension ofstripsofcolouredfabricin thequiltpatternsare referred to as "courthousesteps."
Success and achievements
- a feather inyourcapidiom
- a roaring successidiom
- accomplishment
- achievement
- achievement test
- ascent
- attainment
- belt
- boom
- feat
- fruition
- havesomethingunderyourbeltidiom
- he who laughs last, laughs longest/bestidiom
- laugh
- secret sauce
- sellout
- stratosphere
- success
- tear
- zero
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Promoting staff
Moving upwards
ascensionnoun[C usually singular](TO HEAVEN)
theprocessof going up fromearthtoheaven,especiallytheprocessofJesusChristgoing up toheavenafter hisdeathandresurrection(=returntolife):
升天,尤指耶稣死后复活升天The Ascension ofChristisdepictedin this stained-glasswindow.这扇彩绘玻璃窗画的是耶稣升天的事迹。
- Acts13:33citesthepassageandappliesit to Christ’sresurrectionfrom thedeadand His ascension intoheaven.
- Thesectionconcludeswith the ascension of Basilissa'snunstoheaven.
- He had avisionof his mother'sresurrectionand ascension and herwelcomeinto thecompanyof thesaints.
- There is nowaitingperiodfor those in the secondharvest;theirascensions willoccurat the very the samemomenttheydiscardtheirphysicalbodies.
Religious festivals
- advent
- All Saints' Day
- All Souls' Day
- Ascension Day
- Ash Wednesday
- Day of the Dead
- Divali
- Diwali
- Easter
- Easter Day
- harvest festival
- Hegira
- Hejira
- Holy Week
- Pentecost
- Purim
- Ramadan
- Rosh Hashanah
- saint's day
- the holiday season