(alsononsymmetrical)uk/ˌnɒn.sɪˈmet.rɪ.kəl/us/ˌnɑːn.sɪˈmet.rɪ.kəl/(alsonon-symmetric,nonsymmetric)having twopartsthat do notmatchexactly, either when onehalfis not like animageof the otherhalfin amirror, or when onepartcannot take theplaceof another if it isturned90° or180°:
He has a non-symmetricalfacewith oneearhigherthan the other.
Although thepatternon thecarpetappearssymmetrical, if youlookcarefullyyou canseethat it'sactuallynon-symmetrical.
involvingactionsorpartsthat are notsimilarorbalanced:
Theprincipleof non-symmetricaldisarmamenthas beenproposed, where thecountrywith the mostweaponscutsthe most.
The non-symmetricaldistributionmeansthat theresultsmust betreatedwithcaution.
- Thehouseshave adistinctlynonsymmetricaldesignwhenviewedfrom thefront.
- A non-symmetricalflowpatternwasobservedwhere thefluidexitedthetube.
- She wasknownfor her non-symmetrical,discordant,avant-gardecompositions.
- If thebenefitsarelinkedto therisksin a non-symmetric way, it makes it moredifficulttodeterminemarketprices.
- Statisticians havedevelopednewmethodsformodellingnon-symmetricdistributions.
Balance and imbalance
- accord withsomething
- align
- asymmetric
- balance(something)out/up
- balance of power
- balanced
- harmonious
- harmonize
- harmony
- imbalance
- inharmonious
- jar
- on an even keelidiom
- one man's loss is another man's gainidiom
- realign
- realignment
- rebalance
- unharmonious
- well balanced
- well rounded