A non-systemicdrug,disease, orpoisondoes notreachor have aneffecton thewholeof abodyor aplant:
Thedrugexertsa non-systemicaction.
This is a non-systemicinfectionmanifestingasfungalgrowthon theundersideofleaves.
A non-systemicproblemorchangeis one that isexperiencedbyparticularpartsof anorganizationor acountryand not thewholeof it:
Thereviewconcludedthat theissuewas arareand non-systemic one and that nofurtheractionwasrequired.
There arealmostcertainlyanumberof non-systemicreasonsfor thisproblemthat arehardertoaddress.
- Thisformoflupusis nonsystemic and onlyaffectstheskin.
- TheCEOwaskeentodigdeeperinto thefindingsandestablishwhether theproblemwassystemicor nonsystemic.
- It'sdangerousforcompaniestoconducttheirownaccidentinvestigationsas they are often tootechnicallyfocusedand non-systemic.
- Anglocentric
- Anglocentrism
- broad brush
- demi-
- Eurocentric
- extent
- half
- imperfect
- imperfectly
- in a manner of speakingidiom
- incomplete
- incompletely
- incompleteness
- patchily
- patchiness
- patchy
- scratch/scrape the surfaceidiom
- semi
- superficial
- surface
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
General bodily disorders