uk/əbˈskjʊə.li/us/əbˈskjʊr.li/obscurelyadverb(NOT KNOWN)
in a way that is notknownabout by manypeople:
Shediedobscurely in herhousein thecountry.
They hadlivedobscurely in Illinois for fortyyears.
- Themuseumis obscurelytuckedaway in aresidentialdistrict.
- She had written a fewshortstories, obscurelypublishedinliteraryjournals.
- Hespurnedfameandspenthislifequietlyand obscurely, in the wilds of Montana.
Unknown and unfamiliar
- alien
- alienly
- alienness
- anti-foreign
- anti-foreigner
- moody
- murky/uncharted watersidiom
- not be insomeone'svocabularyidiom
- obscure
- obscurity
- shadowy
- terra incognita
- the outside worldidiom
- uncharted
- uncommon
- undefined
- unsung
- untried
- unused
obscurelyadverb(NOT CLEAR)
in a way that is notclearor isdifficulttounderstandorsee:
费解地,晦涩地;模糊地,朦胧地;不清楚地Theofficialstatementwas obscurelyworded.官方声明措辞含糊。
"You may not have tolookfar," Mike said, obscurely.“你可能不必找太久,”迈克含糊地说。
- She was making mefeelobscurelyuneasy.
- Itbecameobscurelydifficulttodeterminewho was toblame.
- He referred obscurely to a "sinisterplot".
- Hefelt, obscurely, that this was somesortofwarning.
Difficult to understand
- abstruse
- ambiguity
- ambiguous
- ambiguously
- antinomy
- esoteric
- fathomless
- garble
- get it into your thick headidiom
- impalpable
- impenetrable
- indiscernible
- labyrinthine
- lost
- non-intuitive
- obscurity
- oracular
- prolix
- wasted onsomeoneidiom
- word salad