uk/əˈskrɪp.tɪv/us/əˈskrɪp.t̬ɪv/social sciencesspecialized
existingbecause of, orrelatingto,ascription(= thefactof having aparticularsocialpositionbecause you are amemberof aparticularsocialgroup,ratherthan because ofyourownactionsorachievements):
It is asocietywhere ascriptiveidentitiesofclass,religion, andregionarestrong.
We maythinkof acommunityas a set ofrelationshipsbasedmainlyon ascriptivecharacteristics.
Recruitment tokeypositionsinsocietywasmainlyascriptive.
relatingto abelieforclaimthat something iscausedorcreatedby something or someoneelse:
Hebelieveswe have an ascriptiveurgetoblamepovertyonindividuallaziness.
She makes adistinctionbetween arobustaccountor an ascriptiveaccountofcharacter.
- Economicrolesare oftentiedto ascriptivestatusand have arigiditywhich makeschangeverydifficult.
- Thecensustendedtoreinforceascriptivehierarchyratherthanpromotingequality.
- Wealth is now anachievableas well as an ascriptivestatus.
Chance and randomness
- accident
- aleatory
- arbitrarily
- arbitrariness
- arbitrary
- fluke
- fluky
- fortuitous
- fortuitously
- fortuitousness
- luck
- luck intosomething
- more by accident than designidiom
- more by luck than judgmentidiom
- non-purposive
- randomized
- randomly
- randomness
- serendipitous
- stumble intosomething
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Reasons and explanations