uk/ɪnˈtreɪn/us/ɪnˈtreɪn/entrainverb(GET ON TRAIN)
to get on atrain:
上火车On 2nd May we entrained for Dieppe.5月2日我们踏上了开往迪耶普的火车。
Thenightof the nextday, we entrained.第二天晚上,我们上了火车。
- Everywinterseasonhe and Olive would entrain for the Saundersonshomeland.
- The nextdaywe entrained for Hanover, where I gave aseminar.
Boarding and alighting from modes of transport
- aboard
- bestride
- board
- climb
- debark
- deplane
- disembark
- disembarkation
- dismount
- embark
- embarkation
- get
- get off
- get on
- get out
- hop
- in
- mount
- settle
- straddle
tocausesomething tohappen, or to becausedby something:
产生,导致September11 entrained akindofmoralcrashworldwide.9.11事件在世界范围内引发了一场道德崩溃。
Theargumenthad entrained from anexperimentthat wenthorriblywrong.这场争论源于一次带来可怕后果的实验。
- Sheplaysawidowwho entrains alegalbattlewhen her newneighbourordershertreeto beuprooted.
- TheBolshevikshad entrainedtheirignoblewithdrawal.
Causing things to happen
- -induced
- activate
- activation
- actuation
- agent
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- in
- inaugurate
- inauguration
- instate
- pioneer
- realization
- realize
- reattribute
- reawaken
- reimpose
- render
- seed
- spark
to make somethingpartof aliquidorflowof something andcarryit along:
(流体)带走(微粒等),夹带Adepressionover Biscay entrained ablastofcoldairtowesternareas.比斯开上空的低气压把一股冷空气带到了西部地区。
Asprayofwaterdropletsfrom thesplashbecomesentrained in the airflow.溅起的水形成的水雾会被夹带入气流中。
- Theformulagives aroughestimateof theamountofwaterthat could have been entrained by thisfireball.
- Millions oftonsof this entrainedwatersinks,circulatingback down to thesouthalong theseabottom.
Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- convey
- haul
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- retransfer
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
entrainverb(COPY PATTERN)
to make something have the samepatternorrhythmas somethingelse:
(使)(节奏等)成同步,导引Dailyinjectionsofmelatoningiven at 3.30 eachafternoonentrained theratsto a 24hourcycle.每天下午3点半给这些大鼠注射褪黑素,使它们进入同步的24小时周期。
Ibelievethat theharphas aparticularinfluenceon thenervoussystemso that we entrain to it morestronglythan, say, theviolin.我相信竖琴对神经系统有特别的影响,所以人体对其节奏的同步性比小提琴更强。
- Themusicis to entrain theheartrate,bloodpressureandrespirationof thepersoninordertohelpcalmthem.
- Melatonin has both asoporificeffectand anabilityto entrain the sleep-wakerhythm.
- The time-cues are notstrongenough to entrain thebodyclockto a24-hourperiod.
- Experimentalanimalsdeprivedoftheirpinealglandareslowerto entrain.
Being or appearing similar or the same
- a passing resemblanceidiom
- align
- aligned
- answer
- be in good companyidiom
- be in the same ballparkidiom
- be nothing/not much/very little in itidiom
- equal
- equalization
- even(something)out
- flatlining
- homologous
- homologous series
- match
- overlapping
- parallel
- passing
- placeless
- placelessness
- resemble