theprocessof making somethingpartof aliquidorflowof something andcarryingit along:
the entrainment ofairintoliquidmetalas it ispouredinto amould将液态金属倒入摸具时空气夹带进入金属液的过程
- Entrainment is when afluidpicksup anddragsanotherfluidor asolid.
- Thunderstormasthmaepidemicsmay betriggeredbygrasspollenrupturein theatmosphereand the entrainment of respirable-sizedparticlesin theoutflowsofairmassesatgroundlevel.
Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- convey
- haul
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- retransfer
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
entrainmentnoun[U](IN BIOLOGY)
theprocessof making something have the samepatternorrhythmas somethingelse:
(使)(节奏等)成同步,导引Brainwave entrainment is anypracticethataimstocausebrainwavefrequenciestofallintostepwith aperiodicstimulus.脑电波导引是任何旨在使脑电波频率与周期性刺激同步的做法。
Entrainmentmeanssynchronizationof thebeatsofmusicwithnaturalbodyfunctionorprocesses.这里的”同步“是指音乐的节拍与自然的身体机能或过程同步。
- Thesciencebehindbrainwaveentrainment isincrediblyintriguing.
- Wetendtoassociaterhythmand entrainment withmusicandsound.
- alpha-wave entrainment betweensenderandreceiver
Being or appearing similar or the same
- a passing resemblanceidiom
- align
- aligned
- answer
- be in good companyidiom
- be in the same ballparkidiom
- be nothing/not much/very little in itidiom
- equal
- equalization
- even(something)out
- flatlining
- homologous
- homologous series
- match
- overlapping
- parallel
- passing
- placeless
- placelessness
- resemble