uk/ˈen.tri/us/ˈen.tri/entrynoun(WAY IN)
I can't go down thatstreet- there's a "No entry"sign.我不能走那条街——那儿有“禁止入内”的标志。
The actress's entryintotheworldofpoliticssurprisedmostpeople.这位女演员进入了政界,这使得大多数人都感到诧异。
Shemadeher entry to theceremonysurroundedby agroupofphotographers.她在一群摄影师的簇拥下走进典礼仪式现场。
Theburglarsgainedentry by atopwindow.窃贼是从房顶的天窗进入室内的。
adoor,gate, etc. by which youenteraplace:
门;入口;通道I'llwaitfor you at the entry to thepark.我会在公园入口处等你。
- Thepolicehad toforcean entry into thebuilding.
- That's not thenormalmethodof entry into thelegalprofession, is it?
- You'll need an entryvisato get into thecountry.
- No one cangainentry into thebuildingwithout asecuritypass.
- Shortly after histriumphalentry into Havana inJanuary1959, Castrospokeontelevisionfor sevenhourswithout abreak.
Arrivals and departures
- admission
- admittance
- advent
- approach
- arr.
- arrival
- bourne
- connection
- dep.
- departure
- descent
- destination
- entrance
- eta
- going
- inflow
- influx
- invasion
- misconnect
- misconnection
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Organizations - joining & leaving
Parts of buildings: doors & parts of doors
aseparatepieceofinformationthat isrecordedin abook,computer, etc.:
项目;条目;(一则)记录They'veupdateda lot of the entries in the mostrecenteditionof theencyclopedia.在最新版百科全书中他们更新了很多条目。
As hisillnessprogressed, hemadefewer entries in hisdiary.随着病情加重,他日记记得越来越少。
- Each entry in thisdictionaryhas agrammarcode.
- Themainentry also cross-refers you to theappendixonpage259.
- I'm alwaysinterestedin the new entries in adictionary.
- How many entries are there in theencyclopedia?
- She's written all the entries fortreesandshrubs.
Information and messages
- advertisement
- aide-mémoire
- ammunition
- basics
- fascia
- info
- infodemic
- infodump
- infographic
- information
- memorandum
- poop
- postscript
- push notification
- radiogram
- readout
- relabel
- shingle
- the bare bones
- the real deal
apieceofworkthat you do inorderto takepartin acompetition, or theactof takingpartin acompetition:
参赛作品;参赛There have been afantasticnumberof entries for this year'spoetrycompetition.今年的诗歌创作大赛收到的参赛作品很多,令人惊喜。
Entrytothecompetitionisrestrictedto those who have aticket.持票者方可参加竞赛。
Have youfilledinyourentryformyet?你填写参赛表了吗?
- Thecompetitionentries were of such highcalibrethatjudgingthem was verydifficult.
- There were a lot of veryamusingentries, but thepickof thebunchcame fromJohnRobinson.
- Thewinningentry will be the firstcorrectanswerdrawnatrandom.
- My entry wasrankedthird in theflowershow.
- Have youheardthewinningentry in this year's Eurovision Song Contest?
Competing and contending (non-sporting)
- be one up onsomeoneidiom
- bid
- cat
- catchup
- chancer
- close-run
- competition
- dare
- go in forsomething
- go toe to toeidiom
- hyper-competitive
- in the gameidiom
- intercollegiate
- pit
- runsomeonecloseidiom
- runners and ridersidiom
- showing
- slugfest
- snap atsomeone'sheelsidiom
- toe