(alsonot standardexpressopluralexpressos)uk/esˈpres.əʊ/us/esˈpres.oʊ/pluralespressosstrongcoffee, or acupof this, made byforcinghotwaterthroughcrushedcoffeebeansandservedwithoutmilk:
(用蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡(饮用时不加奶)Do you like espresso?你喜欢浓咖啡吗?
Would youpreferan espresso or acappuccino?你是喜欢来杯浓咖啡还是卡普契诺咖啡?

Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/GettyImages
- Adoubleespresso for me,please, withsugar.
- Themachinemakeswonderfulespressos.
- I don't haveroomin mykitchenfor an espressomachine.
- Thedeliciousdrinkis made bymixingadoubleshotof espresso with adashoforangeliqueurand somewhippedcream.
- Sheendedthemealwith an espresso and apastry.
- He gave useggsand expresso forbreakfast.
- With these littlepodsyou can make expressos athome.
Warm drinks
- Americano
- arabica
- Assam
- babyccino
- bed-tea
- coffee maker
- congou
- crema
- cuppa
- Darjeeling
- infusion
- Irish coffee
- jasmine tea
- joe
- KeepCup
- rooibos
- Rosie Lee
- sencha
- stewed
- tea