observation car
uk/ɒb.zəˈveɪ.ʃən ˌkɑːr/us/ɑːb.zɚˈveɪ.ʃən ˌkɑːr/apartof atrainforpassengers, withglassoropenareasintendedto give a goodviewof thecountrythetrainistravellingthrough:
(火车的)观光车厢At Banff, you cantransferto the Rocky Mountaineertrainfor asensationaljourneythrough theglaciersandmountainsin glass-toppedobservationcars.在班夫,你可以转乘“洛基登山者号”列车,坐在玻璃顶的观光车里穿越冰川和高山,来一次无与伦比的旅行。
The open-sidedobservationcarallowsyou towatchwaterbuffalograzingby thetracks.开放式的观光车可以让你看到水牛在铁轨旁悠闲地吃草。

Jacob Boomsma/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images /GettyImages
- It'sworthreservingaseatin thefirst-classobservationcarfor thejourneyfrom Colombo to Badulla, which is one of the world's mostscenicrailwayjourneys.
- It's goodfuntoridein theopenobservationcaras ittunnelsthroughmountainsandrumblesacrosshighbridges.
- The 22carriages, whichincludetworestaurantcars, anobservationcar, and sixPullmancars, areessentiallyaluxuryhotelonwheels.
Railways: trains & parts of trains
- baggage car
- bogie
- boiler
- boxcar
- bullet train
- caboose
- carriage
- choo-choo
- coach
- diesel
- emergency cord
- footplate
- freight car
- guard's van
- maglev train
- puffer train
- rolling stock
- sleeping car
- truck
- wagon-lit