Theresultsof theexperimentwere said to be non-valid because of theinconsistentmethodologyemployed.
Theypersistedinemployingthe sameargumentsevenafter they had beenshownto be non-valid.
Adocumentorcomputerfileis non-valid if it does notmeeta set ofconditions, oftenofficialones:
This is a non-validsequenceoftags.
She wasfinedfortravellingon atrainwith a non-validticket.
not havinglegalforce:
Thecontractwasdeemedto be non-valid.
Thelawyerclaimedthat theagreementhad not beendraftedproperlyandhencewas non-valid.
- Conclusionsdrawnfrom such asmalldataset caneasilybedismissedas nonvalid.
- It wasdecidedby the courtofappealthat the family'sclaimwas non-valid.
- Themobilephonenumberthat he had given wasclearlynon-valid as it had too fewdigits.
Unsuitable and unacceptable
- amiss
- be in bad, poor, the worst possible, etc. tasteidiom
- beneathyourdignityidiom
- beyond
- beyond the paleidiom
- incorrect
- incorrectly
- indecent
- ineligibility
- ineligible
- offend againstsomething
- over-extravagant
- raffish
- raffishness
- room
- unfit
- unsuitably
- unsuited
- unworthy
- vulgarity
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Forbidding and banning things
Legal & illegal