not having ajob:
Non-workingmembersof thefamilyneed tocontributein otherways.
Thefigureincludesall nonworkingadults- those whowantjobsas well as those who are notseekingwork.
notrelatingto orinvolvingwork:
Shefillsher non-workinghourswith astrictexerciseregimeandsocializing.
This is my first nonworkingholidayin fiveyears.
- It isfinanciallyadvantageousto put anysavingsin thenameof a nonworkingspouse.
- The nonworkingpoormust not beleftbehind.
- With four non-workingstudentslivingathome,theirbudgetwasseverelystretched.
- Shefeltsomeresentmentof her non-workinghusbandwho had taken earlyretirement.
- Mondayis a non-workingdayfor me.
Passive and not working
- anywhere
- breather
- breathing space
- bum
- bum around
- dormancy
- idle
- laze
- leavesomeonebeidiom
- lie around
- moribund
- navel
- non-physical
- recharge
- siesta
- sit onyourhandsidiom
- sit round
- slob
- slob around (something)
- slop around (something)
Non-workingtrafficlightsat thejunctioncausedlongtailbacks.
Theycollectworkingand nonworkingmobilephonesforcharity.
If anypartof thesystemturnsout to be non-working,contactus for animmediatereplacement.
- Thepoliceofficerpulledus over for a non-workingbrakelight.
- Aftertryingthree nonworkingpayphones, Ifinallyfoundone whichworked.
- Thecarhas a non-workingradiobutotherwiseis in goodcondition.
Machines - not functioning
- act
- blink
- break
- brokenness
- brownout
- burn out
- conk
- conk out
- cut
- cutsomethingout
- DDoS
- dead
- defective
- dysfunction
- fritz
- idle
- incapacitate
- knackered
- shudder to a haltidiom
- stall