说明者,解释者,阐述者;评注人Heregardedhimselfprimarilyas an expositor anddefenderof Platonicphilosophy.他认为自己首先是柏拉图哲学的解释者和捍卫者。
- He isarguablythe mostinfluentialcontemporaryexpositor ofmodernscience.
- Watt haslongbeenacknowledgedto be among thefinestand mostlearnedof Conrad's expositors.
- He used his well-knownethicscoursepartlytodevelophis ownideas, but was mostnotedas acriticand expositor.
- Alfvander Poorten is one of Australia'sleadingexpositors onnumbertheory.
Defining & explaining
- account (tosomeone) forsomething
- accountability
- adumbration
- annotation
- annotator
- crystallize
- demystify
- explicable
- explicate
- expound
- lay
- miswrite
- nail
- nailsomeonedown
- non-defining
- non-descriptive
- non-explanatory
- outline
- rough
- trace