UKinformaluk/ents/us/ents/abbreviationforentertainments: used atuniversitiesandcollegesto refer toeventssuch asconcertsandpartiesthat areorganizedforstudents, and thepeoplethatorganizethem:
entertainments的缩写(指大学的活动,如音乐会或晚会等,也可代指组织这些活动的人)At thattime, Exeter wasratedone of thebestuniversitiesin the UK for "ents".那时候,埃克塞特大学被评为有英国最棒的娱乐活动的大学之一。
She was onTrinityHall Ents Committee.她是三一学院活动委员会的成员。
- Queen's Entspresent: SHINE ThebestIndie & Alternativedancenight.
- They do have alimitedcapacityand this is aproblemfacedby all Cambridgecollegesthatrunents.
- For moreinformationoneventsthisterm,seethe entswebsite.
- Ourgoalat Ents is tohelpstudentsmeetandsocializeacrossyearandsubjectgroups.
University & college education
- academe
- academia
- anti-university
- beadle
- business school
- grad
- graduate
- hall
- hall of residence
- honour
- Oxon
- pass degree
- poly
- polytechnic
- post-college
- the groves of academeidiom
- trimester
- varsity
- vice chancellor
- warden
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Celebrating & entertaining