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单词 now

nowadverb(AT PRESENT)

at thepresenttime, not in the past orfuture
She used to be ateacher, but now sheworksinpublishing.她过去曾是一名教师,但现在从事出版工作。
I mayeatsomethinglater, but I'm nothungrynow.我过一会儿可能会想吃点儿什么,可这会儿不饿。
Manypeoplenow own asmartphone.如今许多人都拥有智能手机。
I don'twanttowaituntiltomorrow, Iwantit now!我不想等到明天,我现在就要!
used toexpresshowlongsomething has beenhappening, from when itbeganto thepresenttime
She's been avegetarianfortenyearsnow.她吃素已经10年了。
used instoriesorreportsof pasteventstodescribea newsituationorevent
It was gettingdarknow, and we weretired.这时候天越来越黑,我们疲惫不堪。
used whendescribingasituationthat is theresultof what someone just said or did
Oh yes, now Iknowwho youmean.哦,是的,这样一来我就知道你指的是谁了。
any minute/moment/second/time now
Theguestsare coming anyminutenow, and thehouseis still amess.我们的客人马上就要到了,可家里还是乱糟糟的。
now for ...informal
used tointroducea newsubject
And now for what we're going to dotomorrow.现在我们来讨论一下明天要做什么。
More examples
  • Both herchildrenare nowmarriedwithchildrenoftheirown.
  • After tenyearsofmilitarydictatorship, thecountrynow has acivilgovernment.
  • Thebreathingproblemhas now beencomplicatedby achestinfection.
  • Thecollegenow has acounsellortohelpstudentswith bothpersonalandworkproblems.
  • HismarksinEnglishhave been belowaveragefor sometimenow.

nowadverb(IN SPEECH)

used instatementsandquestionstointroduceor giveemphasisto what you are saying
Now, where did I put myhat?唉,我把我的帽子放哪儿了?
There was aknockat thedoor. Now Janknewhermotherhadpromisedto come by, so sheassumedit was her.有人敲门。简知道妈妈答应过要来,所以认为敲门的是她。
Hurry, now, or you'llmissthebus!快点,否则你就赶不上公共汽车了!
Sorry, I can't today. Now if you'daskedmeyesterday, I would have said yes.抱歉,我今天不行。如果你昨天问我的话,我会说行的。


Nowfor emphasis
We sometimes use now to make a command or order stronger. We use it before or after imperative clauses:
We can use now that as a conjunction to refer to something and its result(s):
We use now most commonly as an adverb of time. It means ‘at the present time’, ‘at this moment’ or ‘very soon’. We usually put now with this meaning in end position:
Nowas an adverb of time
We use now most commonly as an adverb of time. It means ‘at the present time’, ‘at this moment’ or ‘very soon’. We usually put now with this meaning in end position:
Nowas a discourse marker
We use now in speaking to signal something new, particularly when giving instructions or introducing a new idea or topic. We often use it with other similar markers such as right or OK:


it's now or never
(every) now and then/again
now then
now you're talking
now, now
Now isn't a goodtimetospeakto him.现在不适合跟他谈话。
Ithoughtyou'd befinishedbynow.我以为你这会儿该弄完了。
You should havementionedit beforenow.你本该此前就提到它。
That's allfornow(= until afuturepointintime).暂时就这样吧。
from now on/as from now
from thismomentand always in thefuture
From now on thegateswill belockedatmidnight.从现在开始,大门将在午夜上锁。
More examples
  • Now would be a goodtimetopreparethelunch.
  • Why didn't youtellme before now?
  • Ithoughtyou'd have got over it by now.
  • Now really isn't a goodtimetotalkto her.
  • Is now aconvenienttimetomeet?
now (that)...
used to give anexplanationof a newsituation
Now I have mycar, I don't get as muchexerciseas I used to.有车之后,我的活动量不如从前大了。
She'senjoyingthejobnow that she's got moreresponsibility.因为承担了更多的职责,所以她很喜欢这份工作。
More examples
  • I have a lot moretimenow that thechildrenareolder.
  • Now thatourneighbourshavemoved,lifeis a lot morepeaceful.
  • Can youaffordtopayabitmore now that you have thisextraincome?
  • We've put away thepaddlingpoolnow thatautumnis here.
  • Now that Bob'sfamous, we don'tseehim any more.


Nowfor emphasis
We sometimes use now to make a command or order stronger. We use it before or after imperative clauses:
We can use now that as a conjunction to refer to something and its result(s):
We use now most commonly as an adverb of time. It means ‘at the present time’, ‘at this moment’ or ‘very soon’. We usually put now with this meaning in end position:
Nowas an adverb of time
We use now most commonly as an adverb of time. It means ‘at the present time’, ‘at this moment’ or ‘very soon’. We usually put now with this meaning in end position:
Nowas a discourse marker
We use now in speaking to signal something new, particularly when giving instructions or introducing a new idea or topic. We often use it with other similar markers such as right or OK:


Many of the topical treatments cannowbe prescribed by extended formulary nurse prescribers.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Supposenowthat there is an eigenvalue in the interval (0, b).
From theCambridge English Corpus
Wenowshow that this is 22) impossible.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We cannowproceed as in the case of the disc.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Wenowsuppress the invertibility assumption on f () and g ().
From theCambridge English Corpus
Nowwe can proceed to show the following.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Nowwe introduce the notion of a chain.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We arenowinterested in the fundamental matrix of (11).
From theCambridge English Corpus
The 7 eigenvalues arenowthose of m2consistent with equations (16).
From theCambridge English Corpus
We arenowready to prove the following.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We arenowgoing to estimate the original integral (63).
From theCambridge English Corpus
Nowthe result follows from a classical density argument.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Nowyou can find all the perfect numbers less than 500.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We cannowuse the above together with the definitions of and g to do the following calculation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The year 2001 maynowalso be such a candidate.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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