alowframeworkonwheels, put under anothervehiclesuch as arailcarriageso it canmove:
It isbelievedthat anobjectfellon thetrackandderailedthe bogie.
As wepulledout of thestation, I couldheara veryunusualsoundfrom the bogie under thetrain.

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Indian English
acarriageon atrainin whichpassengerssit
- Thefastestrailwaywheelsin theworldare on a new bogiedevelopedby aGermancompany.
- Each of Eurostar'scarriagessharesacommonbogie, making theentiretrainmorerigidthan atraditionalone.
Railways: trains & parts of trains
- baggage car
- boiler
- boxcar
- bullet train
- caboose
- carriage
- choo-choo
- coach
- diesel
- emergency cord
- footplate
- freight car
- guard's van
- maglev train
- observation car
- puffer train
- rolling stock
- sleeping car
- truck
- wagon-lit
something thatcausesfearin manypeople, often withoutreason:
He hasraisedthe bogie of "privatization",strikinganationalistchordwith many.
See also
- ThisseasonGloucester havebanishedtheiraway-form bogie and are going to betoughtobeat.
Fear & phobias
- acrophobia
- aerophobia
- agoraphobia
- agoraphobic
- aquaphobia
- arachnophobia
- catastrophize
- chill
- claustrophobia
- climate anxiety
- dread
- homophobic
- hydrophobia
- hydrophobic
- Islamophobia
- misophonia
- mortal
- mysophobia
- scare
- willie
bogienoun[C](IN GOLF)
ingolf, theactof getting theballinto theholein oneshot(=hit)more thanpar(= theexpectednumber)for thathole:
Hefellfurtherbehind when he had a bogie at the firsthole.
- Woods made threebirdies, three bogies and adoublebogie.
- a hole in oneidiom
- bogey
- caddy
- clip
- crazy golf
- cut
- delivery
- dogleg
- fore
- fringe
- golf
- golf ball
- golfer
- hook
- round
- slice
- tee
- tee(something)up
- teesomeoneoff
- yip
(alsobogey)uk/ˈbəʊ.ɡi/us/ˈboʊ.ɡi/(ingolf) toscoreabogiefor aparticularhole:
He bogied three of the last fiveholes.
- a hole in oneidiom
- bogey
- caddy
- clip
- crazy golf
- cut
- delivery
- dogleg
- fore
- fringe
- golf
- golf ball
- golfer
- hook
- round
- slice
- tee
- tee(something)up
- teesomeoneoff
- yip