toguessorcalculatethecost,size,value, etc. of something:
估计;估算;估价Governmentsourcesestimate along-term50percentincreaseinrailfares.政府消息人士估计火车票价将有一个涨幅达50%的长期上调。
[+ (that)]They estimate(that)thejourneywill take at least twoweeks.他们估计这次行程至少需要两周时间。
[+ question word]Itwasdifficultto estimatehowmanytreeshad beendestroyed.很难估计有多少树被毁。
to guess
- guessGuess who called yesterday?
- estimateThey estimate that the work will take at least ten weeks.
- divineMum had divined my state of mind rather shrewdly.
- surmiseFrom the expression on his face, she surmised that something bad had happened.
- conjectureIt would be reasonable to conjecture that lack of exercise contributed to his obesity.
- speculateA spokesperson declined to speculate on the cause of the plane crash.
- RedCrossofficialsestimate that 20 000refugeesstreamedinto thecitylastweek.
- The estimatedcostsof thebuildingprojectare well over £1 million.
- We had estimated about 300visitors, but theactualnumberwas muchhigher.
- We estimate thepotentialmarketfor the newphonesto be around one millionpeoplein thiscountryalone.
- It has been estimated that one in eightcouplesisinfertile.
Estimating value
- appraise
- appraiser
- book value
- cost
- costing
- de-index
- est.
- euro
- goodwill
- index of leading economic indicators
- pricing
- put
- putsomethingatsomething
- quote
- re-estimate
- recommended retail price
- uncosted
- underestimate
- value
aguessof what thesize,value,amount,cost, etc. of something might be:
估计;估算;估价Thenumberofpeoplewhoappliedfor thecoursewas 120comparedwith aninitialestimateofbetween 50 and 100.最初估计申请选修这门课程的学生也就是50到100人,可实际上报名的有120人。
We'llacceptthelowestof three estimatesforthebuildingwork.在对这项建筑工程的3个投标中,我们将采纳报价最低的那个。
arough(= notexact)estimate粗略估计
- She made aroughestimate/calculationof thelikelycost.
- If I said there were three millionunemployed, that would be aconservativeestimate.
- Their estimate of thecostof theprojectwaswildlyinaccurate.
- Our estimates were only out by a fewdollars.
- We'llacceptthelowestof three estimates for thebuildingwork.
Guesses and assumptions
- a shot in the darkidiom
- approximation
- assumption
- bet
- conjecture
- counterfactual
- educated guess
- guess
- misestimation
- overestimate
- overestimation
- preception
- preconception
- proposition
- re-estimate
- sneaking
- speculation
- speculatively
- supposition
- suspicion