timethat neverendsor that has nolimits:
永远,永恒;无穷They haven't been given theserightsfor (all)eternity - they shouldjustifyhaving them just like most otherpeoplehave to.这些权利并非永久性地赋予他们——他们应该像其他大多数人必须要做的那样,证明自己有资格享有这些权利。
Religionsgainsome oftheirworldlypowerbyclaimingthey have thekeyto eternity(= astateofexistenceoutsidenormallife).宗教所拥有的世俗权力中有一些是靠宣称自己拥有通往永恒的钥匙获得的。
an eternity
a verylongtime:
极长的一段时间Themoviewent on for whatseemedlikean eternity.这部电影长得好像永远演不到头。
Ninemonthsis alongtimefor anyone, but it's an eternity for the veryyoung.对任何人来说,9个月都是很长的一段时间,而对于小孩子来说,简直就是遥遥无期。
For the firsttimein whatseemedlike an eternity, she had thechancetorest.
In theworldofpolitics, threeweeksis an eternity.
Wewaitedfor an eternity for theconcerttobegin.
Long periods of time
- -athon
- a long haulidiom
- aeon
- age
- be insomethingfor the long haulidiom
- donkey
- donkey's yearsidiom
- eon
- epoch
- era
- forever
- forever and a dayidiom
- good
- haul
- long
- long-stay
- month
- not in a month of Sundaysidiom
- time
- yonks
sendsomeoneto eternity