apersonwhotriestopersuadepeopletobecomeChristians, often bytravellingaround andorganizingreligiousmeetings:
(基督教)布道者,旅行传道者In Texas shebecameinvolvedwithChristianevangelists.
The evangelistwantedtopreachat the Charlotte Coliseum.
See also
- Richard Nixon, aQuaker,invitedevangelists to theWhiteHouse.
- Graham was ayoungBaptistevangelist afterWorldWar II when the Rev. William Bell Rileyheardhimpreach.
- TheLordspoketo him and hesoonbecamean evangelist,travelingthecountryanddeliveringthe word ofGod.
Religious people: followers of religious groups
- Adventist
- Anglican
- animist
- anti-cult
- anti-papal
- fakir
- Franciscan
- fundamentalist
- fundie
- get religionidiom
- moral majority
- Mormon
- Moslem
- Muslim
- non-sectarian
- Shia
- Shiite
- Sikh
- sisterhood
- Sufi
someone who oftentalksabout how good theythinksomething is, andtriestopersuadeyou to have the sameopinion:
He is an evangelist not justforhisproductbut for the way hisproductisdelivered.
Internetevangelists havetouted"homenetworking" foryears.
- She's an evangelist for theOlympics.
- Theelectricalevangelists Edison hadsentoverseashad donetheirworkwell.
- Lynn Barbermeetsthe evangelist ofmodernismwhoseesartin theeveryday.
Urging & persuading
- ambulance-chasing
- argumentation
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- blag
- blagger
- chivvy
- fob
- induce
- inveigle
- lean onsomeone/something
- miseducate
- miseducation
- overencourage
- persuasive
- soft sell
- tub-thumping
- urge
- woo
- wrap
- wrapsomeonearoundyourlittle fingeridiom