involvingpersuadingpeopletobecomeChristians, often bytravellingaround andtellingpeopleaboutyourbeliefs:
传福音的Sheheldan evangelisticrallyin Fort Worth.她在沃思堡举办了一场福音大会。
They are agroupof evangelistic Baptists.他们是一群福音浸礼会教徒。
- Thechurchemphasizesevangelisticwork.
- They had justattendedan evangelisticmeeting.
- He wastrainingfor evangelisticministry.
Religious practices
- agarbatti
- allocution
- anoint
- anointment
- baptize
- evangelize
- flagellate
- flagellation
- fleishig
- genuflect
- genuflection
- proselytize
- prostration
- purdah
- rebaptize
- reborn
- reconsecrate
- sanctify
- unbaptized
- unction
oftentalkingabout something because you have verystrongbeliefsabout it, orinvolvingpersuadingsomeone to have the samebeliefsas you:
Shewalkswhenevershe can, usespublictransport,switchesthings off and is evangelisticaboutrecycling.
The newclassicalmacroeconomists arecommittedbelieversin thepowerofmarketforces,firedwith analmostevangelisticenthusiasm.
- Hisloyaltyisunquestionable; hisfervourevangelistic.
- She's like aconverttonudism, and her evangelisticzealis sostrong, she'llsoonhave yourunningaroundnakedtoo.
- They have been evangelistic aboutconstructingadramathatreachesoutacrosssocialbarriers.
Excited, interested and enthusiastic
- ablaze
- aflame
- aflutter
- agog
- all of a flutteridiom
- amped
- animated
- entranced
- evangelical
- excited
- excitedly
- exhilarated
- fevered
- go ahead
- heartily
- mood
- nuts
- omnivorous
- on the edge ofyourseatidiom
- orientated