释义 |
A1of thecolouroffreshblood: 红的,红色的 redlipstick红色唇膏 Thedresswasbrightred.这件连衣裙是鲜红色的。 A2used todescribehairthat is an orange-browncolour (毛发)红褐色的 go/turn (bright) red B2If you go/turnred,yourfacebecomesred because you areangryorembarrassed: (因为愤怒或窘迫)脸涨得通红的 Look, you'veembarrassedhim - he's gonebrightred!瞧,你让他很尴尬——他的脸都红了! Ifyoureyesare red, thewhitepartofyoureyesand theskinaroundyoureyesis red, because ofcrying,tiredness, too muchalcohol, etc. (眼睛)布满血丝的,红肿的,充血的- Thisheathas made me come out in anitchyredrash.
- Shedrivesa redsportscar.
- Nicky and I both have redhairbut hers islighterthan mine.
- She had a redmarkon herarmwhere she'dburnedherself.
- He wassignallingwith a redflag.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCommon colours - blue
- blueness
- bluish
- brown
- brownish
- green
- greenish
- orange
- orangeness
- pink
- pinkish
- pinkness
- purple
- purpleness
- purplish
- redden
- reddish
- yellow
- yellowish
- yellowness
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Hair colour Expressing and showing feelings Weeping and crying The eye & surrounding area Idiomsbe like a red rag to a bull not a red cent A2thecolouroffreshblood: 红,红色 She uses a lot of reds andpinksin herpaintings.她的画作中大量使用红色和粉红色。 I've alwaysworna lot of red.我一向是穿红色衣服居多。 She wasdressedallinred.她穿了一身红。  natrot/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages - Hedrewaheartandcolouredit red.
- Thecolourred is used todenotepassionordanger.
- Inautumn, theleavesturnaduskyred.
- He said, by way ofexplanation, that he hadn'tseenthetrafficlightchangeto red.
- Shelooksbestinbright,vibrantcolours, like red andpink.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCommon colours - blue
- blueness
- bluish
- brown
- brownish
- green
- greenish
- orange
- orangeness
- pink
- pinkish
- pinkness
- purple
- purpleness
- purplish
- redden
- reddish
- yellow
- yellowish
- yellowness
GrammarNoun phrases: premodifiers (big, good, red) Premodifiers consist of single adjectives, adjective phrases, single nouns and noun phrases which are used before the head in a noun phrase.… apersonwho hassocialistorcommunistpoliticalopinions 社会主义者;共产主义者;赤色分子SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPolitical movements & groups - alt-right
- anti-Bolshevik
- anti-Bolshevism
- anti-capitalism
- antidisestablishmentarianism
- Antifa
- awkward
- big tent
- labour movement
- left
- left-winger
- leftism
- right-winger
- rightist
- sectarian
- sectarianism
- the awkward gangidiom
- the left wing
- the SDLP
See more results » relatingtosocialistorcommunistpoliticalopinions: People areaccusingeach other of being "Redspies". The Red Scare of the 1950s consisted of apanic-strickenfearofcommunism. - He wasexposedas a RedagentbyAlliedprisonersofwar.
- Hefoilsa Redplottodropanatombombontheirowntroops.
- The Redsoldiershaveretreatedto thenearbyfoothills.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPolitics - general words - anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalist
- anti-communism
- anti-communist
- anti-fascism
- lab
- laissez-faire
- left
- left of centre
- leftist
- overstep
- parliament
- party politics
- personality cult
- pinko
- subsidiarity
- super-conservative
- Thatcherism
- the Third Way
- Tory
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Political movements & groups (Definition ofredfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)A1of thecolouroffreshblood 红的,红色的redlipstick红色唇膏 Thedresswasbrightred.这件连衣裙是鲜红色的。 A2used todescribehairthat is an orange-browncolour (毛发)红褐色的 go/turn (bright) red B2If you go/turnred,yourfacebecomesred because you areangryorembarrassed. (因为愤怒或窘迫)脸涨得通红的Look, you'veembarrassedhim - he's gonebrightred!瞧,你让他很尴尬——他的脸都红了! Ifyoureyesare red, thewhitepartofyoureyesand theskinaroundyoureyesis red, because ofcrying,tiredness, too muchalcohol, etc. (眼睛)布满血丝的,红肿的,充血的 - Thisheathas made me come out in anitchyredrash.
- Shedrivesa redsportscar.
- Nicky and I both have redhairbut hers islighterthan mine.
- She had a redmarkon herarmwhere she'dburnedherself.
- He wassignallingwith a redflag.
Idiomsbe like a red rag to a bull not a red cent 红,红色She uses a lot of reds andpinksin herpaintings.她的画作中大量使用红色和粉红色。 I've alwaysworna lot of red.我一向是穿红色衣服居多。 She wasdressedallinred.她穿了一身红。 - Hedrewaheartandcolouredit red.
- Thecolourred is used todenotepassionordanger.
- Inautumn, theleavesturnaduskyred.
- He said, by way ofexplanation, that he hadn'tseenthetrafficlightchangeto red.
- Shelooksbestinbright,vibrantcolours, like red andpink.
GrammarNoun phrases: premodifiers (big, good, red) Premodifiers consist of single adjectives, adjective phrases, single nouns and noun phrases which are used before the head in a noun phrase.… apersonwho hassocialistorcommunistpoliticalopinions 社会主义者;共产主义者;赤色分子 GrammarNoun phrases: premodifiers (big, good, red) Premodifiers consist of single adjectives, adjective phrases, single nouns and noun phrases which are used before the head in a noun phrase.… (of) thecoloroffreshblood: redgloves [U]Sheworered. [C]These reds don’tmatch. physicsRed is also thecoloroflightwith thelongestwavesthathumanscansee. world historyacommunist(= apersonwhobelievesinsharedownershipofpropertyandcontrolof themethodsofproduction) (Definition ofredfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)in the red FINANCEacompanyororganizationthat is in the red haslostmoneyin aparticularperiod: Currently thegroupis in the red by $1.7 million. STOCK MARKETsharesthat are in the red havefalleninvalue: Almost allstockson theFTSE250 were in the red and theindexfinished426.8pointslower. BANKINGabankaccountthat is in the red has anamountthat is less than zero: Increasingnumbersofpeoplearefindingtheirbankbalancesin the redoncethey'vepaidtheirmonthlybills. into the red FINANCE,BANKINGinto asituationwhere you arelosingmoneyafter making aprofit: go/fall/slide into the redManytechnologyfirmshavefallendeepinto the red after acollapseinrevenuesfrom thetelecomsindustry. STOCK MARKETif astockmarketgoes into the red, itfallsto avaluethat is below the one at which itstarted: go/fall/slide into the redStockmarketsslidinto the red by latemorning. (Definition ofredfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofredred Finally, inredrice, both primary dormancy breaking and secondary dormancy inducibility follow decay kinetics during afterripening.From theCambridge English Corpus The useful product is the bean, relatively heavy seeds that ripen within sweetredfruits.From theCambridge English Corpus The pathogenic pathways depicted here suggest a number of potential sites for therapeutic intervention (indicated inred).From theCambridge English Corpus We found that for bothredand green center cells the data could be perfectly fitted by either mixed or pure surrounds.From theCambridge English Corpus Our goals were to determine if producers could identify and then rank growth traits that determined yield potential of hardredspring wheat.From theCambridge English Corpus Cells of opposite polarity to the central reference cell are shown inredand those of the same polarity in green.From theCambridge English Corpus But is the amount ofredlight needed to cancel the greenness of a stimulus really an accurate measure of its degree of greenness?From theCambridge English Corpus It may be inferredfrom this resistance to left-branching that the two branching directions differ in strength.From theCambridge English Corpus So she puts the candy in thereddrawer, and then she decides to go shopping.From theCambridge English Corpus They argue that therednuptial colouration may simultaneously signal both the degree of exposure to prevalent parasites and genetic resistance towards such parasites.From theCambridge English Corpus Both hypotheses predict thatredwheats will be more sprout resistant than white wheats.From theCambridge English Corpus Redblood cells were collected from donors with high patent parasitaemia.From theCambridge English Corpus Thus, helminth communities fromred-legged partridge populations with high density exhibited a structure nearer to nestedness than helminth communities from partridge populations with low density.From theCambridge English Corpus The bottom exterior of each dish was painted with a simpleredcross.From theCambridge English Corpus Counties affected by thered-fox variant of rabies virus excluded.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/red## |