adjective[before noun]
US(alsobold faced)uk/ˈbəʊld.feɪst/us/ˈboʊld.feɪst/boldfacedadjective[before noun](THICK AND DARK)
printedin adark,thickstyle:
Thestatementwas in boldfaceditalics.
Can wepullall theboldfaceditemsout and make alist?
You can use <b>tagsto make thetextboldfaced.
a boldfaced name
apersonwhosenameis very wellknownto thepublic:
She was a boldfacednameinnewspapergossipcolumns.
- Thesectionsin boldfacedtypeareparticularlyimportant.
- Herdeathwasn'tmarkedby boldfacedheadlinesand amediaglare.
- Themainnounin eachsentenceis boldfaced.
- There was a boldfacedlineon the thirdpageof therentalagreement.
- Theseemailsare usuallyfullofboldfacedtypewithtonsofspellingandgrammaticalerrors.
Publishing: printing & word processing
- 3-D printing
- backspace
- bed
- bold
- boldface
- Braille
- bullet
- compose
- indentation
- inline
- intaglio printing
- italic
- italicize
- print run
- printed
- printing
- printing press
- printout
- rubber stamp
- stamp
boldfacedadjective[before noun](NO SHAME)
showingnoshameorembarrassmentabout doing somethingbad:
Theyfoundboldfacedlieson hisresume.
I candealwithlosing, but not because ofboldfaceddishonestyon my opponent'spart.
- Thestarhad such asaintlyimageit couldwithstanda boldfacedpubliclie.
- He called her "awicked, boldfaced woman".
- That is just aboldfacedbetrayal.
Apparent and obvious
- (from) underyournoseidiom
- apparent
- be (as) plain as the nose onyourfaceidiom
- be (right) underyournoseidiom
- be etchedsomewhereidiom
- be writ largeidiom
- glaring
- glaringly
- greet
- I need hardlydo somethingidiom
- in plain sightidiom
- in your faceidiom
- overtly
- palpable
- palpably
- parallax
- patently
- squeaky
- stand/stick out a mileidiom
- writ