unabletostopthinkingabout something; toointerestedin orworriedabout something:
心神不宁的;着迷的;困扰的Why arepeopleso obsessedwithmoney?人们为什么对金钱如此着迷?
As asocietywe're obsessedbysex.性这一问题困扰着整个社会。
- He's obsessed with Barbra Streisand andcollectsanything and everythingconnectedwith her.
- Mankind has always been obsessed bypower.
- She is obsessed withpersonalhygiene.
- Theauthorof thebookseemsto be obsessed withsexualperversityanddeath.
Continually thinking about
- absorb
- absorbed
- axe
- be devoured bysomethingidiom
- be hung up onsomethingidiom
- be wrapped up insomething/someoneidiom
- devour
- fetishize
- fixate
- fixated
- fixation
- get intosomeone
- mania
- nag
- obsessive
- obsessively
- one-track mind
- overactive
- preoccupation
- preoccupied