medicalspecializeduk/ɒbˈstet.rɪk/us/ɑːbˈstet.rɪk/(also mainlyUSobstetrical,uk/ɒbˈstet.rɪk.əl/us/ɑːbˈstet.rɪk.əl/)
relatingto theareaofmedicinethatdealswithpregnancyand thebirthofbabies:
an obstetricultrasound产科超声检查
There were obstetricalcomplications.
- Even the mostexperiencedmidwivesmay not beabletodealwith some obstetriccomplications.
- Thehospitalneedsto beabletooffer24-hourobstetricservices.
- I am soimpressedby theexpertiseof the obstetric andgynaecologicalteamhere.
- Thiswardis for obstetricpatients.
- In somecountriesthere is still alackofaccesstobasicemergencyobstetricalcare.
- Complications ofpregnancysuch as preeclampsia orfoetaldistressrequireobstetricalintervention.
Obstetrics: birth
- antenatal
- antenatally
- Apgar score
- B, b
- birth centre
- birth partner
- birth rate
- bore
- breech
- childbearing
- delivery room
- hypnobirthing
- labour
- maternity suite
- maternity unit
- matrescence
- midwifery
- newborn
- rooming-in
- stillborn