easytosee,recognize, orunderstand:
清楚的;显然的,明显的;明白的[+ (that)]It's obvious(that)she doesn't like him.显然她不喜欢他。
They have asmallchildsoforobviousreasonsthey needmoney.他们有个年幼的孩子,所以显然很需要钱。
Iknowyou don't like her, but do you have tomakeit so obvious?我知道你不喜欢她,但有必要表现得那么露骨吗?
Am Istatingtheobvious(= saying what everyone alreadyknows)?我说的大家早就知道了吗?
There is no obvioussolution.还没有明显的解决办法。
easy to see, recognize, or understand
- obviousIt's obvious that she's upset.
- clearIt was clear that he was unhappy.
- apparentHer joy was apparent to everyone.
- plainHis disappointment was plain to see.
- evidentThe company president was impressed by her evident ambition.
- manifestHis manifest lack of interest has provoked severe criticism.
- When it was obvious thecompanywas goingbankrupt, thegovernmentorderedalltheirassetsto befrozen.
- Would youquicklylookover thesefiguresfor me andseeif there are any obviousmistakes?
- It is obvious thatsweepingchangesareneededin thelegalsystem.
- If weviewtheproblemfrom a differentangle, asolutionmaybecomemore obvious.
- Hisspeechwasinarticulateand it was obvious he had beendrinking.
Apparent and obvious
- (from) underyournoseidiom
- apparent
- be (as) plain as the nose onyourfaceidiom
- be (right) underyournoseidiom
- be etchedsomewhereidiom
- be writ largeidiom
- foregone conclusion
- glaring
- glaringly
- greet
- I need hardlydo somethingidiom
- in plain sightidiom
- overtly
- palpable
- palpably
- parallax
- patently
- squeaky
- stand/stick out a mileidiom
- writ