mainly USuk/ɪˈreɪ.zər/us/ɪˈreɪ.sɚ/(UKusuallyrubber)A1
asmallpieceof rubber used toremovethemarksmade by apencil:
橡皮If youdrawor write inpencilyou can alwaysruboutyourmistakeswith an eraser.如果你用铅笔写字画画,无论出了什么错都可以用橡皮擦掉。
![picture of eraser picture of eraser](
subjug/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Publishing: paper & stationery
- A3
- A5
- acid-free
- assembler
- ballpoint pen
- chalk
- fountain pen
- gift wrap
- grammage
- hanging chad
- headed notepaper
- notepad
- pulp
- quill
- quire
- qwerty
- ream
- rice paper
- slate
- watermark