uk/ɪˌvɪs.əˈreɪ.ʃən/us/ɪˌvɪs.əˈreɪ.ʃən/eviscerationnoun[C or U](ORGAN REMOVAL)
theprocessofremovingone or all of theorgansfrom the inside of abody:
内脏切除;内部器官移去Theauthoris a woman who can make anearthwormeviscerationfascinating.作者是一个能让取出蚯蚓内脏都变得迷人的女人。
He willinterviewpathologistsabouttheireviscerationtechniques.他将采访病理学家,了解他们取出的内脏技术。
- Treatment of hisadvancedpancreaticcancerincludedapartialabdominalevisceration.
- Thepreparationof animal-basedfoodusuallyinvolvesslaughter, evisceration,hanging, portioning, andrendering.
- Thebirdsare defeathered thenpassto the eviscerationroomwheretheirorgansareblastedout withwater.
Medical treatment: surgery
- a nip and tuckidiom
- ablate
- adrenalectomy
- amputation
- amputee
- anaesthesiology
- anaesthetize
- excise
- implantation
- incision
- interoperative
- intraoperative
- knife
- laminectomy
- sex reassignment surgery
- snip
- splenectomy
- spreader
- stereotactic
- transfusion
eviscerationnoun[C or U](DESTRUCTION)
thedestructionorweakeningof anidea,principle, etc.:
抽去精华;挫伤元气Thecountryhasseena decades-long evisceration ofcivilsociety.长达数十年,该国的公民社会被掏空。
Thebookis a well-researched andwittyevisceration ofconservatism.这本书是对保守主义的深入研究和诙谐的剖析。
- There isconcernthat we are about towitnessthe evisceration ofnetneutrality.
- There will beverbaleviscerations offashionon therunway.
- She didn’tholdback in her evisceration ofself-absorbedbrides.
Becoming and making less strong
- abate
- abatement
- adulterate
- adulterated
- adulteration
- decline
- emasculation
- enervate
- enervating
- enfeeble
- enfeebled
- fade
- melt
- relieve
- sink
- tottering
- turn to jellyidiom
- wane
- waste away
- watersomethingdown