uk/ekˈspæt.ri.ət/us/ekˈspeɪ.tri.ət/(alsoinformalexpat,uk/ekˈspæt/us/ekˈspæt/)someone who does notliveintheirowncountry:
(旅居国外的)侨民Alargecommunityofexpatriates hassettledthere.已经有一大批侨民在那儿定居了。
- Fernando had manystoriesboth of hisyearsin Chile and of hisexperiencesin California as an expatriate.
- There are manymultinationalcompaniesand expatriatesworkingin theregion.
- Art Deco isassociatedinparticularwith two expatriateslivinginParis: Josephine Baker and Tamara de Lempicka.
- The Beach Club is afavoritehauntfor the city'sresidentexpatriates and élite.
Countries, nationalities & continents: country & nation
- birthright citizenship
- body politic
- coast
- countrywide
- cross-border
- domestic
- domestically
- dual
- dual citizen
- motherland
- nation
- non-domestic
- non-indigenous
- non-national
- noncitizen
- nuclear power
- statehood
- superpower
- transnational
uk/ekˈspæt.ri.ət/us/ekˈspeɪ.tri.ət/livingin acountrythat is notyourowncountry, orrelatingtopeoplethat do this:
an expatriateScot
- Anumberof expatriateaidworkersremainin theregion.
- There wastalkofmassevacuationamong the city's expatriatepopulation.
- ExpatriateAmericansareentitledtovotein theelection.
- Hebecamean expatriatesculptorin Rome.
- Theeconomyissustainedpurelyby the expatriatemoneycoming in.
Countries, nationalities & continents: country & nation
- birthright citizenship
- body politic
- coast
- countrywide
- cross-border
- domestic
- domestically
- dual
- dual citizen
- motherland
- nation
- non-domestic
- non-indigenous
- non-national
- noncitizen
- nuclear power
- statehood
- superpower
- transnational
formaluk/ekˈspæt.ri.eɪt/us/ekˈspeɪ.tri.eɪt/tomovefromyourowncountry, or tocausesomeone tomovefromtheirowncountry:
The newleadersexpatriated therulingfamily.新的领导人把统治家族驱逐出境。
Welivedin aresidentialcompounddesignedfor expatriatedDutchworkersandtheirfamilies.
He expatriatedtoSt. Kitts, atranquilCaribbeanislandcountry.
tosendmoneyout of acountryto anothercountry:
Thegovernmentisofferinga haven forbusinessmenfromoverseaswho need to expatriatetheirmoney.
- Disillusioned by theUnitedStates, Wright had expatriated toPariswith hiswifeanddaughter.
- He wasbornin Trinidad,educatedatOxfordand then expatriated toEngland.
- Amajorcomponentof theIrishgrossdomesticproductwasmultinationals'profits, which werelargelyexpatriated to othercountries.
- Thehostcountrymaydecreethat nofundmay be expatriated until thedecreeislifted.
Punishing someone by sending them somewhere else
- banish
- banishment
- deport
- deportation
- deportee
- exile
- exiled
- expel
- expulsion
- extraordinary rendition
- rid
- rusticate
- rustication
- send
- sendsomeonedown
- sendsomethingoff
- shun
- transport
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